David Taylor David Taylor

Teaching Practice 3
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will focus on the topic of world problems. After a brief discussion about problems they face in their daily life, Ss will be introduced to the vocabulary of serious global issues. They will come to understand the meaning of this vocabulary, have pronunciation drilled, and be given the opportunity to practice speaking the vocabulary in context. This will lead to discussion of giving aid to help combat these problems. Ss will do a listening exercise, involving both gist and specific listening. If time, Ss will then discuss several questions related to the topic.


Abc Pictures of global problems
Abc Listening Audioscript

Main Aims

  • Vocabulary of global problems- understanding, drilling, and practising

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening for gist and for specific information


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • Ss to talk about everyday problems

T will give an example of an everyday basic problem that they face, e.g. bus being late, then ask Ss to discuss in pairs what sort of problems they face, and then report back on their partner during WC FB

Vocabulary and Pronunciation (12-15 minutes) • Ss to be introduced to the TL, understand meaning, pronounce correctly, use in practice.

T will have written 7 problems (global or serious individual) on WB, and now sticks up the definitions, scattered about. Ss discuss again in pairs which definition matches which problem, then in larger groups. T will then get Ss to come up and match the pairs on the board. T will allow self- and peer-correction if there are mistakes. T will drill pronunciation of each word as it is reached, paying close attention to 'natural disasters' - doing each word separately and focussing especially on 'natural' T will then take the definitions down and ask Ss to explain the problems, so as to check understanding. Whilst doing so, related words will also be elicited, such as the basic adjective coming from the noun, e.g. 'diseased' from 'disease', 'homeless' from 'homelessness'

TL Speaking practice (8-10 minutes) • Ss will practice the TL language through discussing pictures.

Ss will be divided into groups, and each group given a picture relating to one of the global problems. Ss will discuss what they see in the picture, identifying what the problem is and how it affects the people involved, hopefully using the TL and the associated words that have also been elicited. Groups then describe the picture during WC FB; other Ss will be offered opportunity to contribute as well, time permitting. T will monitor pronunciation especially.

Listening (10-12 minutes) • Ss to listen for gist and for specific information in an article about giving aid.

T will elicit the idea of helping and aiding by asking Ss what they want to do when they see people suffering from the global problems. This feeds into a listening exercise about two aid workers. Ss will do a listening for gist activity first, discuss answers in pairs/groups, before WC FB. Then they will listen a second time for specific information, can again discuss answers in groups, before WC FB. T will play certain audio sections again or produce the audio script in case of any disagreement which requires clarification.

(IF TIME) Speaking (5-6 minutes) • Ss will discuss several questions related to aid.

T will change Ss groups and pose several questions to them (written on WB) Do you know any aid organisations? What are they? Have you ever given money to an aid organisation? What do you hope to do in the future to help? Ss can discuss these, teachers will monitor, before WC FB.

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