Ariel R. De Castro Ariel R. De Castro

TP3b 5 June 2014 De Castro
Upper Intermediate (B2) level


This lesson will give ss the opportunity to practice verb forms from a personal perspective, this is, in the context of family background. Ss will review present simple, present continuous and present perfect tenses by linking them to examples of time expressions. Over a short text about family background ss will exercise their knowledge of practical usage of such tenses. In addition, a "card game" will be played in which ss will be instructed to elaborate sentences using time phrases that often associated with present tenses. For further explanation, I'm going to draw timelines representing present tenses and/or do CCQ. In a speaking practice activity ss will interview their partners according with questions previously chosen. Here ss will use the present tenses for practicing fluency.


Abc "Alive and well" MacMillan Global Upper Intermediate workbook. Lindsay Clandfield & Rebecca Robb Ben

Main Aims

  • To review and extend Ss' awareness of present tenses (simple, continuous and perfect) and related time phrases, and to give controlled and freer practice in them, in the context of family and family history.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give Ss practice in speaking for fluency.


Time expressions match present tenses while talking about your family. (15-20 minutes) • Use of present tenses with time expressions

Ss take a look at the time phrases in first ex. I proceed to explain what the activity is about. The presentation is adapted so ex 1 looks like a matching task. For instance, group time expressions in ex 3 in the book will appear on the left side and tenses on the right side in ex. 1 of H/O. Ss work in small groups (3 or 4) and complete first part of the task. Using a time expression from each group, I put three model sentences on the w/b: "For generations my family has dined together". "Currently, my sister and my brother are living in different countries". "I call my mother regularly". Ss write 3 sentences about their families (using the tenses and the time expressions from each box) and then peer check..Monitoring and checking for accuracy follows in order to detect any error and/or common problem which should be dealt with in FB. In groups of 4, ss work with a set of 4 cards where the time expressions are written. Cards are placed face down and, in turns, ss say a sentence with the phrase they get from the picked card. Some FB on any problem in case of any problem at the end.

Fill in the gaps (12-15 minutes) • Practicing in present tenses.

Working in pairs now, Ss read ex 2 (H/O) and a related question is asked: "Where is the person originally from?", "What does he do now"? Reading of the task to be done quickly and FB taken. Ss fill in the gaps using the appropriate verb forms. Answer key provided on the W/B so ss check their answers and if, necessary, some FB. Timelines might be drawn on the WB (or CCQ) so ss have another way of understanding present tenses.

Questions about family (8-10 minutes) • Speaking

In pairs ss choose 4 out of 10 question from ex 3 (H/O). Ss interview each other using the question each partner chose.

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