Marzi Marzi

Vocabulary and Speaking - Past time expressions
Elementary level


In this exercise ss will review past time expressions and use them in a speaking exercise. This exercise has been adapted from English file by C. Latham-Koenig


Abc Board and markers
Abc CD player/ Laptop
Abc Hand-out
Abc Speakers

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of True sentences using past time expressions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of Past time expressions in the context of When was the last time you ... ?


Warmer/Lead-in (7-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher has 10 different time expressions, each on one piece of paper. She will hand each student one of them. they are supposed to find the correct sequence in which the time expressions appear from far past to close past. See HO 1. ICQs: Are you going to write sth down? No Are you going to show your papers to each other? No Are all phrases in future? No, past Then they will listen to an audio to see the correct answer and they will repeat and drill the pronunciation, work on syl stress.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Write on the board: When was the last time you cried at the end of a film? Ask ss the question, randomly. Then spread the HOs and give them 7-10 minutes to ask and answer the questions in groups of 3. ICQs: Are you going to be quiet? No Are you going to talk to all classmates? No, just my group Monitor and write any probable errors they might make on the board. Elicit the correct form.

Productive Task(s) (10-13 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Give ss blank pieces of white paper. Ask them to write bare infinitive of verbs and keep it secret. Give ss blank pieces of orange paper. Ask them to write name of a location and keep it secret. Give ss blank pieces of green paper. Ask them to write a past time expression and keep it secret. Gather all pieces and put them all on a desk in the middle of the class. Write on board "did you hear the news? Yes, I did ! Tom ... Go to the desk and pick one piece from each color and make a sentence. Then ask for a volunteer to come to the board and ask him/her the same and he will take one piece of each color and make a sentence!

Freer practice (15-17 minutes) • To provide an atmosphere they can communicate and personalize the structure

Give ss 4 minutes to think about their last holiday/ Bday and take notes. Put them in groups and they can ask and answer questions for 15 minutes. ICQs: Are you going to write complete sentences? No, just notes Are you going to talk as mus as you want? Yes How many minutes? 15 Do error corrections if necessary.

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