Keri Hughes Keri Hughes

GRAMMAR: object pronouns
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to object pronouns through the context of reading. First, they will analyze passages from three book covers and determine who the highlighted words refer to, then they'll do a couple replacement/gap fill exercises, and finish with some free practice talking about what they like and don't like.


Abc English File 6A | Reading in English GRAMMAR exercises a-c
Abc Tech Gadgets
Abc English File 6A | Grammar Bank 6A worksheet
Abc English File Elementary Audio Students Book Files 5-6

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and understanding of object pronouns in the context of reading book covers

Subsidiary Aims

  • For the students to read for gist in order to identify who object pronouns refer to in the texts.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Write "THINGS PEOPLE READ" on the board and elicit words from the class (ex: books, magazines, kindles, ipads, etc). Get students to spell the words and drill pronunciation.

Pre-Teaching (every cat does weird stuff) (5-5 minutes) • To remove potential blocking vocab from reading text

Gadget (noun): - elicit by pulling out all of my tech gadgets and asking, "what are these?" then introduce them to the word - concept check asking for examples of gadgets - drill pronunciation / ˈgæʤɪt / ----- students will have difficulty with / ʤ / sound - write on board, with phonetic spelling and p.o.s. - where's the stress? Robbery (noun): - elicit using photos - CCQs: *is a robbery legal? (no) *is it a crime? (yes) *can you think of any movies or tv shows about robberies? - drill pronunciation / ˈrɒbəri / - write on board, with phonetic spelling and p.o.s. - where's the stress? Stressed (adj): - elicit using scenarios --- Jenny gave us a very difficult assignment this weekend. I also have to prepare my lesson, AND work on a project for my job in Los Angeles. I'm worried I won't finish everything in time, and I'm feeling very... - CCQs: *do I feel nervous? (yes) *is it a positive word or negative (good or bad)? (negative / bad) - drill pronunciation / strɛst / - write on board, with phonetic spelling and p.o.s., pointing out the pronunciation of the -ed ending - where's the stress?

Exposure - Exercise A (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Instructions: look at the three book covers and read the information which tells you what the book is about. Give Sts a minute or two to read the texts. Answer the questions below with "Red Roses" (RR), "Sally's Phone" (SP), or "Dead Man's Money" (DMM). Sts compare answers with a partner, then quickly write the answers on the board. Which book...? 1. RR is a love story 2. DMM takes place in the USA 3. SP is about a person who is quite stressed 4. DMM is about a man in a difficult situation 5. RR is about a person who is romantic 6. SP has a gadget which is important

Highlighting - Exercise B (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Focus on the highlighted words and the example. Explain that the highlighted words are object pronouns, and we use them (like subject pronouns he, she, etc) because we don't want to repeat a name or a noun. Give Sts a few minutes in pairs to write the relevant name or noun. Then check answers. Instructions: Look at the highlighted words in the texts. Who do they refer to? Red Roses: her = Anna (the girl with the guitar) Sally's Phone: her = Sally Dead Man's Money: them = people

Clarification - Exercise C (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Have students look at Grammar Bank 6A (p. 134-135) worksheet. Focus on the example sentences and play the audio for Sts to listen and repeat (3.21). Example sentences: - Can you help me? - I know you. - She isn't in love with him. - He phones her every day. - I don't like it. - Wait for us! - Call them this evening. Then go through the rules with the class: - Pronouns take the place of nouns - We use subject pronouns when the noun is the subject of a verb (i.e. the person who does the action): John is a doctor. He lives in London. - We use object pronouns when the noun is the object of a verb (i.e. the person who receives the action): Anna meets John. She invites him to a concert. - Object pronouns go *after* the verb: "I love you". NOT "I you love". - We also use object pronouns after prepositions (with, to, from, etc.): "Listen to me! I'm in love with her". NOT "I'm in love with she". Sample sentence: "He loves her but she doesn't love him." (indicate p.o.s.) Additional notes: - The object pronoun "me" is used instead of the subject pronoun "I" to answer the question "Who?". Ex: "Who wants a cup of coffee?" "Me!" (Not "I")

Controlled Practice - Grammar Bank 6A Exercise A pg. 135 (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Change the highlighted words to object pronouns. Work individually. Example: I call my mother once a week --> I call her once a week. 1. I can't find my wallet. --> I can't find it. 2. She speaks to her father in German. --> She speaks to him in German. 3. He meets his friends after work. --> He meets them after work. 4. Can you help my friend and me? --> Can you help us? 5. Ivan is in love with his girlfriend. --> Ivan is in love with her. 6. My son doesn't like cats. --> My son doesn't like them. Have students check with their tables, then do feedback as a class, having students read full sentences.

Semi-Controlled Practice - Grammar Bank 6A Exercise B pg. 135 (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

***SKIP THIS STAGE IF NECESSARY TO ALLOW TIME FOR FINAL ACTIVITY*** In pairs, complete the sentences with a subject pronoun (I, he, etc.) or object pronoun (me, him, etc.). Example: John is American. He lives in California, with his parents. He argues with them a lot. 1. Susan has a big flat. *She* likes *it* a lot. We often visit *her* on Sundays because she invites *us* for lunch. 2. I am very happy with my neighbors. *They* often help *me* with my children. They often take *them* to school when I'm working. 3. Mark loves Ruth but she doesn't love *him*. He calls *her* every day but *she* doesn't want to speak to *him*. 4. My brother has two dogs. *He* takes *them* for a walk twice a day. I don't like *them* very much because *they* bark at *me*. 5. We often take my grandfather some magazines, but *he* never reads *them*. *He* watches TV all day and never turns *it* off. For feedback, give them the answers to save class time. For additional practice on their own time, give them the additional Grammar Photocopiable activity for if they want it.

Free Practice - "What do you think of...?" Activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Each student is given a copy of a worksheet. Students think of people, places, and things they love and hate and write an answer under each heading on the worksheet. After that, the students are put in pairs. Students take turns asking their partner's opinion of the people, places, and things under the headings using the question 'What do you think of...?' For example, 'What do you think of Will Smith?' Their partner replies by giving their opinion using subject and object pronouns, (ex: 'I like him. He's really good.'). Students are encouraged to give their own opinion in return and ask ask for explanations where possible. Maybe play light background music to set a casual, comfortable atmosphere. Feedback: ask students to tell the class something interesting about their partners.

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