Keivan Teimoorian Keivan Teimoorian

customs and norms
B1 level


in this lessson, I am going to present the students with different functions of language related to social customs and behaviours plus teaching the related vocabulary items.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of to be supposed to, to be expected to, ought to in the context of daily norms and social behaviour

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of social norms in the context of job interviews, dates, weddings, etc.


Introduction (12-15 minutes) • to melt the ice in the first session

the teacher asks students to describe themselves on two sides of a sheet of paper

Warmer/Lead-in (10-12 minutes) • to engage students' attention to the context of social behaviour and norms

The teachers ask students to work in groups of 2 or 3 and come up with a list of items that are peculiar to their country and culture.

Exposure (12-15 minutes) • to mention their ideas to the teacher and the class

Students then discuss the items with their teacher and are given the proper vocab items in the context. The teacher makes timely corrections.

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher then writes some sample sentences on the board, highlighting what is there to be presented to the students.

Clarification (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher then presents the target language and clarifies it in terms of meaning and form

Free Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The students are then asked to choose a context and speak about the norms using the target language in situations like job interviews, dates and meeting etiquettes.

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • to have further target language practice

Students are asked to tell the class about a noticeable or embarrassing situation they have experienced in their lives.

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