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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Possessive adjectives in the context of Dreams

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practice their oral skill


Review (2-5 minutes) • Assure understanding

Teacher will review the personal pronouns with the class, through a chart

Engage (4-5 minutes) • Get the students attention

- The teachers draw a family on the board that consists of a father and a mother and two children a girl and a boy. - The teacher draws a thought bubble above each of the characters to show what each of them dreams to have in the future, ( the boy : car ), ( the girl : phone ), (the parents : house ). - The teacher asks the students what the bubbles mean hoping to elicit the words, dream/wishes in English or in Arabic.

Study (20-25 minutes) • Provide classification of the target language

- The teacher then point out at each character and ask the students what's his or her dream. Ex : what's his dream, and the teacher will help student in answering using possessive adjectives. - Teacher will write down the sentences on the board: * His dream is to buy a car. * Her dream is to buy a phone. * Their dream is to buy a house. - The teacher afterwards will highlight the possessive adjectives in the model setences and ask the students to think about their function in pairs. - the teacher will give the rule if the sts didn't get it. - The teacher draws a table with two columns, one containing the personal pronouns and with the help of students he fills the other one which contains the possessive adjectives. One tnig to note is that the students have been already exposed to three of the possessive adjectives in the presentation stage ( his, her, their )and they already been exposed to ( my, your) in previous lessons indirectly, so other two left the teacher will give away. - The teacher will use choral drilling to assure students get the right pronunciation.

Activate (10-12 minutes) • Put what students have learnt into practice

- The teacher will ask students to write down on a piece of paper one thing they dream to buy, relying on the structure " I dream to buy a .........". - The teacher will ask student to rise their papers so he can see what they have produced. - The teacher brings people to the board and ask ss what their dreams to elicit answers out of the students that includes possessive adjectives.

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