Cody Valdes Cody Valdes

TP0 Unobserved -- Getting to Know Your Students -- Valdes 5-27
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, ss get to practice asking fact-finding questions of one another and thereby to get to know their teacher and peers. Ss practice gathering personal information - respectfully - and recalling this information later. The ss receiving questions practice retention and production by answering questions of their choice.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for asking questions of a person

Subsidiary Aims

  • To get to know their teacher and peers


Lead-in/Demo (3-5 minutes) • To activate thoughts about facts and prime ss to ask questions to learn them

Write "Facts" and "Learn the facts" on WB. Point to "Facts" and ask wc who can tell you what this means. Ask wc for 3 facts they know about you. Transition to lesson aim: "NOW, for facts you don't know, how do you learn the facts about somebody?" (Ask questions). State purpose of task: practice asking people questions about themselves. Show class laptop timer with 1:00 minute countdown. Tell class they have 1 min to ask you for any facts they want to learn about you - anything at all. Instruct that they can ask any kind of question - Y/N or OE - and be creative trying to ask new questions. Ask ICQs. Click timer and go. After q's, answer any you like for 20-30sec.

Group Fact-Finding Activity (10-13 minutes) • To let students practice asking fact-finding questions of their peers

Group class into groups of 3-4. Once separated in room, instruct that they will take turns being asked questions for 1:00 min then answering whatever they want to answer. Remind ss to listen closely as they might be asked to tell class about peers. Use one timer for whole class and signal end of minute with noise. Give 30 sec for ss to answer their q's, then repeat for all ss. After the ss have each had their turn, ask them to return to their seats and select 4-5 to tell the class something about one of their peers.

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