Lina Lina

There was/There were
Elementary level


In this lesson ss will review the past simple form of verb to be in the form of there was/there were. They will notice language in a text, listen for specific information, practice there was and there were in the negative and the question forms.


Abc Handout, Student's book Unit 6B, page 67

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the past tense form of verb to be in the context of a text about seeing a ghost.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about about an interview with a man who felt the presence of a ghost in the context of interesting situation in a hotel.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will refer to the previous lesson by asking questions: 1. What is the man's name? (Stephen Bleach) 2. Where is he? (a hotel) 3. Is there anything strange in the hotel? what is it? (Yes, a ghost)

Listening for gist (5-7 minutes) • To introduce the ss to listening for gist

Tell the students that I will play an audio and they have to listen carefully to know the answer to this question: "Was there a ghost?" I write the question on the board so that they wouldn't forget it. I ask ICQs: 1. We are going to........? (listen) 2. And find the answer to ......... (this question) *pointing to the board* 3. Are you going to listen to all the details? (No) ------------------------------------- Then I play the audio and after it has finished, I elicit the answer from the students. The answer to the question is "no, he didn't see the ghost)

Listen for specific information (10-15 minutes) • To get the students to pay attention while listening, to know specific information

I give the instructions while holding up the handout of the table in exercise 3b, page 67: "Now you will listen again and answer these questions. so I'll give you 2 minutes to read the questions first" After they have finished reading the Qs, I tell them I'll answer number 1 with them. I give the ss 2 mins to read the Qs, then I play the audio. I give a demo by answering number 1 with them. T: "Now you listen and answer." -While they are listening and answering, I monitor. -After the listening, I tell them to check with their partners. -While they are checking, I display the answer key on the data show. -After they have checked the answer key, I play the audio again for more clarification. -While they are listening to the audio again, I write on the board "There was a man in the hotel" to introduce the Target language.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • Introducing the Target language

-After writing the sentence on the board, I read it out loud to the SS. -I display the meaning by acting to the students: I take a plastic cup and say (There is a cup in the room), then get it out of the class, and tell them (There was a plastic cup in the class), while miming that (was) indicates a past event. - Draw a timeline on the board: Past (There was/there were)------------------------------- Present (There is/ there are)------> -CCQ: 1. So is it in the past? (Yes). 2. Is it one ghost? (Yes) Then write There were 2 ghosts. -CCQ: 1. Was there a ghost? (Yes) 2. How many ghosts? (two) 3. so If they're 2 ghosts, I say "There ................. 2 ghosts" (were) Then highlight the form: There: Subject was: V. to be (past simple) a ghost: object highlight the "a" before ghost. and emphasize that this is the singular form. Then add the negative form of the sentence. There were not any ghosts. Then highlight the contraction form: There weren't any ghosts. There wasn't any ghosts. CCQ: Was there a ghost? (No) - Pronunciation: I say the sentence and focus on the pronunciation of was and were. -Drill.

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To give the students the chance to practice what they have learned

Give the instructions for exercise 4a, page 67: Now, fill in the spaces with was/were/wasn't/weren't ICQ: So you will ............. (fill) with (was/were/wasn't/weren't) Give them 3-5 minutes: -I monitor while they are answering, and assist if needed, then display the answer key while they are working by writing the correct answers on the board. - After they have finished, I ask them to check together in pairs. -Then tell them to check their answers by looking at the board for the answer key. -If I found a common problem while monitoring, I explain again the part they misunderstood.

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