Imane Imane

Communication 2 class
upper intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of vocabulary related to crime in general and to different punishments for different crimes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about three crime stories in the context of breaking the law


Warmer (10-15 minutes) • To engage students in a fun way

Students are given some tongue twisters that they need to read then practice with the whole class.

lead in (5-10 minutes) • To engage the students and get them interested and to give them a clue about the context of the lesson

Ask students if they have ever broken a law and whether they were punished for it. Encourage them to share stories by starting with my own.

Exposure (12-17 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Activity 1: T reads the questions aloud then ask for volunteers to read the questions below the pictures aloud. SS then form pairs and discuss the situations taking the model language in the speech balloons as an example. Then feedback with the teacher.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

a criminal is a general word that stands for different actions. Ask students if they know of names given to criminals and their crimes.

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Activity 1B: Have students stay in their pairs from part A. Read the instructions aloud then read the words for the criminals and responding actions aloud. Give students time to match the criminals to their actions. The correction is going to be done in part C.

Clarification (3-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Do some choral repetition of words and phrases from the exercise to check they have the right pronunciation for it.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Divide the class into Team A and Team B. They should name a spokesperson for each team. Flip a virtual coin to decide who starts the game. Display the first definition and ask Team A to guess the crime. Allow a maximum of 10 seconds and ask the spokesperson to tell you the crime. They can continue playing until they make a mistake or cannot come up with the crime matching the definition. At this point, the turn goes to Team B who can try to guess the crime. If they can’t, they will still continue trying to guess crimes until again they make a mistake or cannot provide the crime for the definition on display. Every correct guess scores 1 point. It goes without saying the winner is the team who has scored the most points.

Free Practice (10-17 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Activity1 C read the instructions aloud then allow students time to discuss the questions. More questions will be given in a handout to extend the activity. When students have finished, T takes a class poll to find out which crimes students think most/least serious, encouraging them to give reasons to their opinion.

freer practice (8-16 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Students will be handed questions for discussion. allow them some time to read the sentences then students will walk around and ask each other

15 minutes break

15 minutes break

review (10-17 minutes) • To compare attitudes and opinions

Read the instructions aloud. Allow students time to read the statements silently. Before the students begin the task, answer any questions they may have about vocabulary. Students answer in pairs rate the statements then feedback with the class.

Presentation/listening (5-7 minutes) • To contextualize the target language

T reads the instructions then have ss read the headings aloud explaining any unfamiliar vocabulary. Students should be clear that they need to listen for the main idea of each story. Point out it's not important to understand every word they hear. Then students listen to the text, pausing after each story. Students then check answers in pairs before confirming with the class. Ask students if they have ever witnessed or heard of something similar.

Controlled Practice • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Activity 3B The teacher will read the instructions aloud, then allow students few minutes to silently read through the summaries. Check meaning and vocabulary. After playing the audio, the T will pause between stories to allow students to write answers. Students compare in pairs then check with the whole class.

semi controlled practice/ discussion • To provide students with practice of the target language

T reads the instructions aloud, then they have students form groups of 3 or 4. allow them time to discuss, and encourage them to give reasons. When they have finished, the teacher will have each group give a brief summary of their discussion. Then ask the class for their opinion.

Communication (10-17 minutes) • To engage students and further practice the target language

Students will form pairs. Then the teacher will read the instructions aloud, and tell students to turn to the appropriate pages in their Student's Books. One partner looks at Task 3 on page 75, and the other at Task 23 on page 84. Part A The teacher will read the instructions for the task aloud, then give students a few minutes on their own to read over the list of crimes and ask questions about the vocabulary. Then the teacher will ask two pairs to read the model exchanges aloud. Students will be given about five minutes to discuss the seriousness of the various crimes on the list. The teacher will be monitoring the activity... When students have finished, T asks for volunteers to share their ideas and opinions with the class. Part B When students have finished part A, T will lead the class in a discussion of the questions in part B.

Extesion activity (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Students will form groups. T reads the cases aloud one at a time. After reading each case, ask students need to imagine themselves as a jury, deciding who is guilty and what the punishment should be after they have heard each case. Then discuss the decisions as a class.

Filler (10-15 minutes) • to further generalize the topic and in a culture-related way

Play a Youtube video which talks about normal things that are considered illegal in other countries.

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