Keri Hughes Keri Hughes

FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: describing people
Intermediate level


Students learn functional language learning how to describe people (four exercises)


Abc pg. 13 Functional Language Exercise 1
Abc Photos of brother Tom
Abc pg. 13 Functional Language Exercise 3
Abc pg. 13 Functional Language Exercise 4
Abc Photos of well-known Turkish and British people

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for describing people in the context of personality, appearance, and preferences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of describing people


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show photos of my brother Tom and describe him using the phrases in exercise 1. Try to elicit descriptions from the students as well (is his hair short? what color are his eyes?) - He's got long dark curly hair - He's got blue eyes - He's tall and slim - He's into music - He is smart and creative - He seems nice and friendly - He looks like Jesus

Pre-Teaching (2-4 minutes) • To remove potential blocking vocab from reading text

Define each of the following informal language from the text in exercise 1. Have students repeat after me. chatty (adjective): talkative, someone who talks a lot trendy (adjective): fashionable, stylish into (acting as verb?): likes

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Write on the board the following questions from exercise 1 and their usage when describing personality: - What is he/she like? (personality and character) - What does he/she look like? (appearance) - What does he/she like? (preferences/hobbies/interests/taste) Practice reading the sentences aloud. I speak first, they repeat. Possible answers: - He/she's into (+ interests, activities) - He/she's got (+ adjectives describing appearance) - He/she's (+ adjectives describing appearance or personality) - He/she seems* (+ adjectives describing personality) *seems: if someone seems to have characteristics, people do not know for sure if they are definitely like that, but they think it is probably true Practice reading the sentences aloud. I speak first, they repeat.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Have the students complete exercise 1. Instructions: Individually, match the questions 1-3 to the answers a-f. You have 5 minutes. ICQs: Are we working alone or with a partner? How much time do we have? Hand out exercise 1. Let the students work independently for five minutes. Have them check with their group for two minutes. Then check as a class. Call out individual students by name.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Write on the board the new phrases from exercise 3 and their usage when describing personality. - She looks... + adjective (used to describe appearance, mood, feelings. ex: She looks intelligent) - She looks... like + noun (used for direct comparisons. ex: She looks like a doctor) - She if/as though + phrase (used to guess what someone thinks, wants, or intends to do. ex: She looks as if she needs a holiday) Have the students complete exercise 3. Instructions: With a partner, complete the sentences in column A with a phrase from column B. You have 3 minutes. ICQs: Are we working alone or with a partner? How much time do we have? Hand out exercise 3. Let the students work in pairs for 3 minutes. Then check as a class. Call students individually by name (different students than those called during exercise 1). Have the students complete exercise 4. Instructions: Individually, complete the sentences with like, as if, or ---. You have 5 minutes. ICQs: Are we working alone or with a partner? How much time do we have? Hand out exercise 4. Let the students work individually for 5 minutes. Check answers as a class by calling on individual students.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

As the students are working on the previous exercise, begin preparing the board for this exercise by writing the following sentences on the board: - Nur's got long dark hair and light eyes. - She seems friendly and happy. - I think she's into shopping. Introduce the final exercise my showing a photo of Nur Fettahoglu. Read the above sentences aloud, pointing to the photos. Instructions: I'm going to pass out photos of other famous Turkish and British people. Choose 1 person, and write 5 sentences describing them. You have 5 minutes. ICQs: Will you work individually or in groups? How many people will you write about? How many sentences will you write? Hand out the photos. After 5 minutes, ask the students to share their sentences with each other. Then call on them to share their sentences with the class. As a wrap up, as students questions about some of the individual celebrities. Examples:

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