Kaan Ediz Kaan Ediz

Strong Emotions and Balancing Work Life
B2 Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will expand their vocabulary on topics pertaining to strong emotions, life changes and managing emotions at work through listening, writing and speaking activities. The lesson begins with a couple humorous videos on YouTube of people barely managing to keep their emotions in check in response to life’s trivialities. This in turn generates a discussion around extreme feelings like euphoria, hysteria or despair. Students will next, put the new vocab they have been exposed to to respond to scenarios written on cards. This free practice will warm them up for controlled practice with a couple listening activities, gap fills and sentence matching. After practicing the new vocabulary by formulating sentences students will finally put this knowledge to practice in a speaking session where they must share an anecdote on their highs or lows and respond to their classmates stories by suggesting a solution to better manage their emotions (if need be).


Abc Flashcards
Abc Gap-fill Handout, Whiteboard
Abc Audio Script
Abc YouTube videos
Abc Handout
Abc PP Presentation

Main Aims

  • To review pre-learned vocabulary and phrases and build on it using their extreme forms in sentence formulating and group discussions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency describing their experiences and to cultivate a friendly class dynamic.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Open 'Angry German Kid' and 'How To Master Your Emotions - Emotional Intelligence' Introduce topic of Emotional Management and discuss the videos.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Expose sts to new vocabulary and elicit meanings from them if possible. Proceed to Activity 1 and have sts acquaint themselves with the words in sentences. Instruct them to pair-check and then give whole class feedback.

Highlight Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To review the connotations of the vocabulary

Present the sts with a PP presentation on how the vocabulary lends itself to different life situations. Show list of randomised words pertaining to strong emotions. Ask sts to sort the list of vocabulary into extremely positive or negative denotations/connotations. Check in pairs and then provide WC feedback.

Highlighting TL (17-20 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Provide sts with flashcards that have scenarios written on them. One, for example will be about an office worker who runs into a malfunctioning printer 20 minutes before his presentation to his client. Sts will discuss their cards and provide a solution to how these hypothetical people should deal with their reality or emotions without overexerting themselves on using target language. This will be a pre cursor to the group activity at the end.

Listening Practice (10-10 minutes) • To expose sts to how the TL is used in conversation

Instruct students to look at the Listening section on their handouts and have them tick the box of the subject the speakers mention. In the second listening sts will this time complete a gap fill of the audio script. Play twice if necessary.

Receptive Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide sts more controlled practice through reading and writing

Instruct sts to match the two sets of randomised sentence halves together in the appropriate form. Check answers in pairs and then give WC feedback. Next, give onestopenglish exercise segment and further expand on vocabulary pertaining to emotional management in the work place. Here they will find the definitions and put it to practice completing a sentence halves exercise. Provide WC feedback.

Break (15-17 minutes) • To give sts a break

Give 15 minutes.

Semi-Controlled Practice (15-20 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Here, sts will form five written sentences about highly emotional moments (anecdotal or hypothetical) and five sentences about managing stress in work/academic life using TL. Once finished have sts to share their sentences with a partner. Provide WC feedback.

Receptive Practice 2 (15-20 minutes) • To provide more listening practice

Play 'How to channel your stress to help you succeed | Heidi Hanna | TEDxSDSU' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrwWvdM_Yns) Provide sts Concept Checking questions on what her analogies were and what the suggested solutions are to stress management. Allow class discussion time before they provide their answers to teacher.

Free Practice (35-45 minutes) • To provide students with speaking practice of the TL

Tell sts either a personal or example anecdote of a time you found a way to deal with stress at a critical time in your life. Discuss if necessary. Instruct sts to think of their own anecdotes and have weaker students write it down if needed. If the class is large enough have students share their anecdotes in pairs. Following 5 or so minutes of preparation instruct class to share their anecdotes. Students will now provide each other feedback by what they could have done in those situations. Since this is free practice, sts are permitted to stray a little bit of topic if students are employing TL. Monitor and provide feedback. Next, teacher will provide the second set of scenario flashcards in which they will continue to discuss and suggest solutions to these people in difficult situations.

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