yara yara

Finding things in common.
elementary level


students will be able to use the language in which they can find someone shares their interests or daily life routine for example.


Abc Guided discovery tasks designed by the teacher.
Abc handout activity
Abc a short video

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Things in common.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice in the context of Things in common.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

depending on the number of the students, the students will be asked to stand up and they'll be asked some questions and move forward and back two sides if they did the things that they're asked! if you ever watched FRIENDS come to this side. if you love Al Pacino come back to this side. if you think that Scarlett Johansson is more beautiful than Angelina Jolie come to this side. if your phone is Huawei come here. if you like classic songs come here. if you have a Netflix account come here. if you use EGYBEST come here. if you use Anghami come here. if you use Spotify come here. if you don't like Mohamed Ramadan come here. and then they'll be told that we all have things in common.

preparation (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

they'll be giving handouts for exercise 1&2 as one, they'll be asked to listen and number the topics and tick if the speaker have something in common and cross if they don't. the first point will be demonstrated with them. they'll be giving a handout of four mini conversation, they'll be asked to writ S if the speakers agree.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

before working on the speaking task, they'll be asked CCQs as the following, if someone told you that he likes Amr Diab and you too like him you say "me too". if someone told you that he doesn't have a pen and you too don't have you say "me neither". if you told someone that you have an American passport and wants to know if he has one too you say "how about you?". and write them on the board and drill with the Students. if you and your friend want to say that you like the joker you say " we both like the joker" if you and your friend want to that you didn't travel to the UK you say "we both didn't travel to the UK". and write them on the board and drill with them.

Speaking task (20-22 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

from language A in the box, they'll be asked to use the language as a keyword to make a question and see if they have that thing in common or not they'll be asked to make the discussion in pairs. the first keyword will be demonstrated with them. a pair of them will be asked to volunteer and do the conversation as an act. from language B, they'll have a conversation handout, depending on the Drilling they'll be asked to fill the gaps. the first gap will be demonstrated with them. from language C, they'll be given a handout with 8 sentences, they should be able to use 3 sentences or more to be a common thing between them. they'll be working in pairs. to demonstrate I will ask if someone likes listening to fairouz like me, and say nice we both like listening to fairouz, and ask them to do the same with their partner.

extra activity (8-10 minutes) • to make sure that they understand the target language.

before watching a very short video they'll be told that this activity called" how to get the girl" then they'll be asked to choose which one of them will be the girl and the other will be the one who is trying to get her, and make a conversation about it using the useful language from a,b and they supposedly girl will say if she's okay to go on a date with her or not, then two of them will be chosen to do it as an act.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

if the students made mistakes during the stages it will be followed up with correction for example, writing a mistake on the board and ask them do we say it this way? if they didn't know they'll be just told the correction.

Web site designed by: Nikue