sara elgamal sara elgamal

verb to be
elementary level


In this lesson,students learn about verb to be in the context of personal information


Abc HOs
Abc pictures
Abc laptop
Abc markers,, white board
Abc markers,, white board

Main Aims

  • To provide learners with review and clarification of the short form of positive and negative verb to be in the context of personal information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in speaking in the same context


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- page 11 ex.1 Students try to guess personal information about people in the pictures and match the sentences to the correct answer.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Sts listen to track 1.7 to check their answers on the previous activity.

Highlighting the target language • to highlight the target language in the context

get the audio script from the guide. Remove some of the target language from the script ( v to be) and ask the Sts to listen again and fill in the missing words.

Clarifying the TL (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

1- Meaning: by this point they already know the use of verb to be because it was mentioned in the previous lesson, but I might need to check it as well, so I will write on the board a marker sentence like " He isn’t from Tokyo, he’s from Russia". then ask simple CCQ "What’s his nationality?" 2- Pronunciation: I will choose some positive and negative sentences from ex.1 and drill them focusing on the contractions. 3- Form: the board race.

controlled practice • to provide an opportunity for Ls to use the target language

students will fill in the gap of ex.2 and write four sentences by using positive and negative short form of verb to be. set the task do the task pair check feedback

freer practice • to provide an opportunity for Ls to use the target language

Students will tick the sentences that are true for them and correct the false one. Sts discuss and compare their answers and ask follow up questions. Monitor and note down any mistakes.

Feedback • To praise good use of TL / To correct errors in TL use

Give a language feedback; praise any good use of TL and correct any mistakes.

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