Amany Amany

Elementary level


In this lesson,l will be introducing a set of new vocabulary to the Ss as it relates to planning the context of Nationalities.


Abc Google images (
Abc Facebook images(
Abc Oxford Advanced learner's Dictionary.
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice
  • To provide clarification and practice
  • To provide clarification and practice
  • To provide clarification and practice of using a match activity in the in the context of nationalities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about in a speaking practice in the in the context of nationalities


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How much detail does a plan need? What are the criteria for whether it is a good plan or not? I think there's one key test as to whether your plan is OK or not: could someone else, who has not talked with you about the lesson, pick up your plan and say 'Ah yes - I see exactly what the teacher intended' and be able to go in a teach your lesson herself? To achieve this, you need a plan that simply and clearly outlines the intended stages - in enough detail to be 'imaginable' by someone else.Jim Scrivener in Learning Teaching
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