mansoor_mohammad mansoor_mohammad

TP-6 Grammar and speaking
Beginners level


In this lesson students will learn and practice the grammar, students will learn to form inquiry questions using auxiliary verb, they will also learn contractions "isn't" and "aren't", which they will use to form different sentences to answer to the queries. Students will do various activities in pairs and groups to practice speaking using the suggested grammar and the speaking will be focused on accuracy.


Abc White board
Abc Hand out 1
Abc Blank sheets of paper
Abc Visuals

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of questions and answering using contractions for negative and postive answers in the context of neighborhood

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of question making and answering using negative and positive contractions in the context of neighborhood


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set the context for the lesson and grammar

The teacher will start the lesson by eliciting the building, which students will study in Ali's class, teacher will draw the symbols and students will guess and teacher will elicit more answers from students. Teacher will ask the students to name the buildings from levent, such as hospital, metro station etc.

Grammar input (14-15 minutes) • To explain the concept of making questions and different forms of sentences (negative and positive)

Teacher will elicit a sentence about a place and then write a question positive and negative form on the board and will elicit the differences in the form in the three sentences on the board. Students will try to come up with answers explaining how one sentence is different from other and how are these two sentences different from the question. After eliciting teacher will give the hand out with some sentences and questions and students will write positive, negative and question form of the given sentence or question. example: is there a school? answer: yes, there is a school No, there isn't a school Teacher will give students 3 minutes to complete the task and then the students will check their answers in pairs. This activity will allow students to practice the grammar by writing it and students have been using this target language since yesterdays class now they will know it confidently and will also know the change in form for making questions. After explaining the grammatical rules, teacher will write contractions on board and drill the contractions. As a follow up activity students in pairs will discuss and inquire about their neighbor hoods. They will talk to at least two people in the class by moving around, this will allow students to speak to new people and it will be good for kin-aesthetic learners and will keep the context interesting

Speaking activity 1 (7-7 minutes) • Aim: to practise the target language by using the questions and replying with negative or positive answer

Teacher gives numbers to the student and makes new pairs, in their new pair the students are asked to talk to each other about their neighborhood , students take turns and ask and answer each other. Teacher monitors very closely for mistakes and provides assistance and makes sure that the students are using the target language as this is the practice for accuracy. This activity will allow students to talk about their neighborhood, which will combine the lesson context with their real world, so it will be a good exercise for student to understand the lesson and also to know the context in real life and how to use it for every day speaking.

Speaking activity 2 (7-8 minutes) • For further more practice of the target language

Teacher will make students sit in a horse shoe seating and will spread some pictures on the floor, and describe one of the picture using target language. For example: there are two kids, there isn’t any woman, there is a taxi, etc. After demonstrating teacher will nominate one student to come to the board and choose a picture and describe it and other students sitting around the pictures will try to find which picture the student is describing. They can also ask question to the student, who is describing the pictures For example: is there a dog? This activity will let the students use the target language with many different contexts of the world as the teacher will keep the variety of pictures, so the students will use target language with many different vocabulary which they come across in their normal life, thus this activity will trigger their schemata and will also raise a interest and a gaming spirit in the students.

Speaking activity 3 (10-10 minutes) • To practice target language and to make the actcity interesting for kinaesthetic learners

If there is ample time left, there will be a follow up speaking activity. Teacher will divide the class into groups and give a sheet of plain paper to each group and teacher will demonstrate the task first, teacher will describe his neighborhood, the area and location and students will draw it. The task is each student from a group will come to the front and describe his neighbor to his group and they will draw it and then he will go back and sit down and other student will come and describe his neighborhood. This activity will give more practice to the students in target language and also they can have fun to keep their enthusiasm while learning.

Speaking activity 4 (5-5 minutes) • Extra activity if there is more time left in the class

This activity will be same as activity 3, but teacher will divide students into groups and one group will discuss within group and then describe a famous place or spot from Istanbul and other group will try to name the place. They can use the name of the building itself but they can say what type of building it is. for example: there is a mosque, there is a tram station, there is an old cathedral, etc.

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