Teachers notes frame 1
B1+/B2 level


This is one of the frameworks which might be used during the course. It is recommended using different ones to vary the procedure and achieving the best results with your group.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of a set of collocations on a topic chosen by students in the context of provided by students.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of in the context of a lesson.


Warmer/Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

SS work in pairs/groups of three or individually and come up with 1-3 questions they'd like to discuss on a chosen topic. There are no limitations here. T may monitor and help with accuracy of the questions. SS post their questions here: A teacher may make a screenshot of all the questions brainstormed and save it in PPP to use at the end of the lesson. WCF students look at the questions and choose five they'd like to discuss at the end of the lesson.

Listening/Reading (15-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Pre-listening/Reading: 1. The student who is responsible for bringing the material should present it shortly. 2. SS listen/read for the first time and answer one of the questions: - What is the main message of this text? - What did the author want to say by creating this text? - What is the main purpose of this text? Pair check. WCF 3. Students listen or read again and do one of the following: - Find three statements they mostly agree/disagree with - Find the most surprising piece of information - Find a statement they'd like to learn more about etc. Pair check, WCF 4. Students discuss in their pairs if they'd like to read or listen to the whole text, why/why not. WCF

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. SS work individually and choose 5 collocations (choose one of the options that suit your material best). If this was an audio/video, a script should be given at this stage - connected to the topic X they'd like to remember - with the form Verb + noun/ adjective + noun/ phrasal verbs - that seem to be useful, but you haven't used them yet - which contain the words you don't know ( in this case they should check the meaning using one of online dictionaries) - which contain the words that are new for you, but you can guess their meaning SS work in groups of three, compare their choice, teach each other the new words (if necessary) and add 2-3 collocations to their list. WCF: A teacher projects the text and SS can highlight the collocations they've chosen on the whiteboard. T may ask questions to check pronunciation or meaning. SS are encouraged to add two more collocations to their list. At this stage they should have 10 collocations overall.

Clarification and controlled practice (10-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language, to check SS understanding

SS do 1/2 activities from the list below: The choice depends on the context you have. 1. Students work individually and come up with a phrase they'd use before the lesson instead of a new collocation. They write down these phrases. Then they work in pairs and take turns to read out the phrases, the partner should guess the collocation. 2. Students work individually and come up with a phrase they'd use as an opposite to a new collocation. They write down these phrases. Then they work in pairs and take turns to read out the phrases, the partner should guess the collocation. 3. SS write down their collocations on small peises of paper. Students work in groups of three. They shuffle the cards and take turns to take one card and say five associations they have with the words on the card. The first person who guesses the collocation gets the card. The winner is the person with the biggest number of cards. 4. Students work in pairs and divide their collocations into three categories. Then they should show the list of their collocations and the categories to another pair and ask them to divide the collocations into these categories. SS provide feedback to each other. 5. SS work in pairs, brainstorm in what other situations they can use these collocations. Then they write down their own examples for at least 5 of them and leave the gaps instead of the collocation. They exchange the examples with another pair, fill in the gaps, provide feedback. WCF - deal with any questions SS may have, delayed error correction.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

SS play one of the games. 1. Coffee pot. Students work in groups of three. They write down their collocations on the cards, shuffle them and take turns to take a card. A student with a card should answer their colleagues' questions. In the questions SS may use coffee pot instead of the collocation they are trying to choose. e.g. Do you often coffee pot? Where do you usually coffee pot? The first person to guess gets the card. The person with the most cards is the winner. WCF: Which collocation was the easiest/ most challenging one? Why? 2. Draw - show -tell Students use the dice to play this game. 1 ,3 - draw 2, 5 - show 4, 6 - tell SS take turns to get the cards with the collocation, throw a dice and explain the collocations to each other according to the number on a dice. WCF: Which collocation was the most difficult to deal with and why? 3. Word snap. SS paly in groups of three/four. Students open two cards from a pack of cards with colloctions. When one of the students can come up with any connection these two collocations have, they should say out loud snap and explain which connection they found (e.g. similarity in form, meaning, use, an example of a sentence both collocations are used in etc.). If their partners agree that it is a good one, students take the cards. If nobody can come up with a connection, then the next pair revealed. It might be a good idea to set a time limit for thinking time and use a timer on a smartphone. When the pack is over the cards might be shuffled and played again. The winner is the person with the highest number of cards. WCF: ask for takeaways from this game

Free Practice (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students discuss the questions they created at the beginning of the lesson in pairs. Before you begin, it might be a good idea to discuss with students how they are going to make sure they are using the new collocations. Choose one of the ideas or suggest ticking those they have used in their lists. WCF: Which questions have you discussed? What are your takeaways from the discussion?

Cool-down (4-5 minutes) • To sum-up the lesson

You may use one of the activities to sum-up the lesson: 1. SS work altogether and create a mind map with collocations they may use to talk about topic X 2. SS reflect on the lesson and write down two things they like and two things they dislike. The results may be used to choose the activities for future lessons. 3. SS tell each other three collocations they remember from the lesson right now. WCF: elicit ideas from a couple of students.

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