Christopher Christopher

Teaching Practice 8
Beginner level


In this lesson students will learn more collocations involving the verbs, go, go to, have, and watch and will learn to use them together with the construction "going to" to form sentences to express their future plans and intentions


Abc sorting exercise 1a
Abc exercise 5a
Abc Listening 1b
Abc Exercise 4c

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice for constructions with the future tense in the context of future plans and intentions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice for vocabulary and collocations used to express hobbies and daily activities


Warmer: Review of collocations from the last lesson (4-6 minutes) • To get sts to review the collocations so that they will be comfortable with the new ones that will be introduced later in the lesson.

Write down the six verbs START, LEAVE, DO, MOVE, GET, LOOK FOR, START in one column, and then the words ENGAGED, MARRIED, SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY, MY JOB, AN ENGLISH COURSE, AN EXAM, HOUSE, TO ANOTHER CITY/COUNTRY, FLAT in another. Tell students to form two sentences with these words. Have them compare their sentences with their partners and have them discuss which of these things they are going to do in the future.

Introduction to collocations: exercise 1a (10-12 minutes) • To introduce the target language for the lesson and to get students comfortable using them in conversation.

Write down: HAVE, WATCH, GO, GO TO on the board in one column and then DINNER WITH FRIENDS, THE CINEMA, SHOPPING, TV, SWIMMING, THE NEWS, COFFEE WITH FRIENDS, SPORT ON TV, THE GYM, RUNNING, A PARTY. Briefly check understanding of these words/phrases by eliciting and asking CCQ's and go over each word the students don't seem to know. Ask the students which words fit into which categories. Then pass out exercise 1a and ask them to fill it out on their own. Have them compare their results with their partners.

Listening exercise 1B (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with the proper pronunciation and pairing of the collocations the students were introduced to in the last lesson

Tell the students they will hear a recording of all the collocations they have just heard. Make sure they repeat each of the collocations together as they hear them. Test understanding via CCQ's and eliciting. Play the tape again if necessary to ensure students know the proper pronunciation of each phrase.

exercise 4c: asking yes/no questions using collocations (8-10 minutes) • To get students to speak and use the collocations they have just learned in conversation

Briefly explain how to form yes/no questions with "going to" and have them elicit the proper structure for you to write on the board: Are you going shopping tomorrow? See if they know how to answer these questions as well and go over the proper word order for their answers. Ask students to complete exercise 4C and hand it out. Tell them to check their answers with their neighbor and then ask them some of the questions from the exercise.

Grammar explanation: Question words with "going to" and grammar exercise 4c (10-12 minutes) • to review students' knowledge of question words and to show them how to use them together with "going to" to talk about future plans

Write down WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW, WHO, WHAT on the board and ask if students know what these words mean. Put columns on the board and have them elicit the proper word order of the four sentences found in the textbook. Pass out exercise 4c and have the students work on it on their own and then check their answers in pairs.

Grammar: exercise 5a (10-12 minutes) • To test understanding and to provide more practice with question words and going to?

Write down the first word sequence on the board as an example sentence. Have a student come up and write the correct order on the board. Pass out exercise 5 and tell students to work on their own. Afterwards, have them check in pairs. Have one person from each pair write down their answers on the board. Go over the answers as a class and elicit from them whether the sentences are in the correct order or not. Have students ask each question to their partners and discuss their own personal plans for the future.

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