Mahshid Shaaker Mahshid Shaaker

Present Simple negative and interrogativeIn this lesson (I/you/we/they)
A1/A2 level


In this lesson, ss learn how to make simple present negative and interrogative, using plural and 1st person subjects. They are also familiarized with some time prepositions and the /dj / pronunciation


Abc Course book, images of some hobbies, course book CD 54/55

Main Aims

  • Ss learn(clarification), review and practice simple present negative and interrogative in the context of free time activities (routines)

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss review and practice prepositions of time


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • Ss notice the lesson context and are engaged with it

Greeting and asking if they remember my hobbies (hinting with pictures) Ask ss questions about shown images (with no answer)

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide ss with context for the target language through 2 exersices.

Ss do the exercise on their own ICQs: how many sentences do you write in the table?/ do you work on your own? note: the context has been discussed in the previous lesson and ss know we are talking about free time activities and routines. Ss are then ask to talk about 3 things they normally don't do with their pairs. (optional)

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I elicit grammatical names of a sentence components on the board, using realia (auxiliary cable) to help ss what role "don't" plays in negative and interrogative sentences in present simple. (auxiliary elicitation: does it play the audio? does it help us to actually hear sounds? auxiliary verbs help us to make routines actions _ or ?) table is on the board

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

CCQs: do we use don't after the verb?/ is do not = don't/ do we use don't for she/he/it subjects? CCQs (questions): do we use do at the beginning? what do we use for short answers?do we use don't for she/he/it subjects? Ss then listen to an audio to count how many "do you"s they hear. Then the difference between /du: ju:/ and /dj / is clarified. (optional)

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss are asked to listen to audio again and fill in the gaps in task 7b. They check answers in pair and listen to the audio again if needed. pronunciation of do you is then drilled in class.(optional) Negative: Ss are asked to do the exercise 5a and compare their answers in pairs. individuals are then asked to share their negative sentences in class Questions: Ss are asked to fill in the gaps in task 8a and check answers inn pairs and individuals are asked to read out sentences with short answers

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Task 8b is skipped. Ss take turns to ask questions in 8a. (answer it for you) ICQs: do you read the same sentences to each other?no/ does only one ask questions?no Then individuals share their habits with class

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss work on their own to do the exercise 10 : first circle the correct words and then write 5 questions They are then put into 2 groups: A&B and try to find 2 students' name whom answers are yes for each question. They then talk about people (two for each) in their table. ICQs: are you going to make sentences negative?no/ are you going to use you as the subject?yes

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