Hassan N. Dajani Hassan N. Dajani

Grammar lesson
beginner A1 level


NAME OF TEACHER: Hassan N. Dajani DATE: 26-9-2019 LESSON LENGTH: 45 minutes NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 10-12 LEVEL: Foundation Grammar, age 10-12 yrs old NAME OF LESSON: Teaching beginner Grammar A1 TIME OF LESSON: 12-1PM In this lesson, students will start to learn Grammar basics, and will use different learning techniques to help them get a firm grasp of what a noun is and how to use it.


Abc Board
Abc One Page Story
Abc Markers and Pens

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to explain what a noun is and how it is used in sentences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • This lesson will also highlight the importance between grammar, nouns, reading and writing.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Share with the students the purpose of learning grammar so that we can become better speakers, readers and writers. 2. Tell the students that today they will be learning about what a noun is and how to find them in a sentence. 3. Ask the students to look around the room for materials, and tell them that these are nouns, which are words we use for people, places and things.

Exposure (10-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Ask the students to define a noun. After taking a few students' ideas, explain that a noun is a person, place, or thing. 2. Tell the students that nouns found in sentences can explain who or what the sentence is about, where an event took place, and many other things relevant to the sentence. 3. Write "walks through the hallway." on the board and ask the students to identify what is wrong with the sentence. Call on one student. After they share their idea, say that we don’t know who or what walked through the hallway. Explain that this is because the sentence is missing a noun like "Ahmad." Ask students what noun could be placed in the sentence to make it complete. Call on a few volunteers. Ask the students if they found another noun in the sentence: "hallway." Share one more example with the class. Write "Aisha walked to the." on the board. Ask the students if they think the sentence makes sense. Ask them if they can identify why or why not. Explain to the students that the sentence is missing a noun telling us where "Aisha" walked to: "room."

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Explain to the class that they are going to complete a noun discussion on the board. 2. Draw 3 columns on the board. Label your columns "people," "places," and "things." Explain that you need help thinking of three nouns for "people". Record the students' answers on the board. Pass to each of them the Story Sheet. 3. Ask the students to pair up and copy your graph from the board. Tell the students that they are to work on columns 2 and 3 and list three nouns for "places" and three nouns for "things" together.

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1. Tell the students to go through the Story Sheet and circle as many nouns as they can find. 2. Remind students that nouns are people, places, and things. 3. For enrichment, have the students switch their papers with a partner and check to see if each student found all the nouns in the story.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Write "1. Aisha found a cute, green turtle by the side of the road." and "2. Did you know that Ahmad wants to travel to Cairo?" on the board. 2. Tell the students to write on the back of the Story Sheet given to them all the nouns found in each sentence.

Review and Closing (3-5 minutes)

Ask the students to define what a noun is again and if they have any questions: person, place or thing.

REFERENCES: https://www.englishlessonplanner.com/plans/37565/edit https://www.education.com/lesson-plan/all-about-nouns/ https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/planning-a-grammar-lesson https://busyteacher.org/16309-grammar-lesson-3-essential-pieces.html https://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson334.shtml

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