Ahmed Adel Ahmed Adel

Herts Uni Demo
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, learners will practise listening for section 2 question in the IELTS Academic test.


Abc AK1
Abc AK2
Abc AK3
Abc Audio Track
Abc Coloured Markers
Abc HO2
Abc HO4
Abc HO1
Abc HO3
Abc Farm Picture
Abc Vocab Pictures
Abc White Board
Abc Speakers
Abc HO5
Abc Music Track

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about visiting a farm in the context of a guided tour

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of a guided tour
  • To provide learners with practice in text analysis in the context of a guided tour


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the lesson, set lesson context and engage students

Begin by telling learners that this is Section 2 of the Academic IELTS listening test. Elicit from learners all the information they know about Section 2. Correct them if necessary. Type: Monologue Topic: General interest Now, show learners a picture of a farm and ask them what it is. Elicit: farm. Ask them: Have you ever been to a real farm? Listen to their answers. Ask: What is generally there on a farm? Listen to their answers. Give praise when needed. Ask: Are there special activities people do on a farm? In groups of 3, discuss what people generally do on a farm. Give them 2 minutes before listening to their answers. Give feedback on content.

Pre-Listening (11-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the audio and make it accessible

Scaffolding: Hold the HO1 (Questions 11-14) in front of you (chesting). Tell learners that they are going to underline the keywords. Give them 1 minute. They work individually. When they finish, they check in pairs. After that, give them feedback. Keywords: Advice – should – not to harm – not touch – wear – not bring – exceptions Now, ask learners to paraphrase those keywords or write synonyms for them. Demonstrate an example with them (wear: put on). Give them 3 minutes. They work individually then check in pairs. ICQs: Are you going to write similar words to the ones you underlined or opposite ones? similar Are you going to work together or alone? alone How long do you have? 3 mins Give them feedback and suggest good synonyms in case they can’t get ones. Predicting: Ask learners to predict the type of word that can be written in the gaps. Demonstrate only if needed. Give them 1 minute. They work individually then check in pairs. Give them feedback.

While-Listening #1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information listening task

Students answer individually. ICQs: Are you going to answer while listening or after listening? While listening Is spelling important when writing the answers? Yes Play the audio track once (till 2.18). Once finished, ask them to check in pairs before listening one more time. They don't have to correct their answers now. Play it another time. Monitor them while answering. After finishing, learners check in pairs. Give them AK1 to check their answers. Make sure they write the words correctly.

While-Listening #2 (19-20 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening task

Scaffolding: Hold HO2 (matching phrases of giving directions) in front of you (chesting). Tell learners they need to write letters to match the words/phrases to their pictures. Tell them that in English, we generally write 1 ==> a, 2 ==> b and not a ==> 1, b ==> 2. They work individually. ICQs: Are you going to write letters or numbers? Letters Individually or in pairs? Individually Give them 3 minutes. When they finish, they check in pairs. After that, they stand up and unfold AK2 on the walls to check their answers. Now, show them pictures of the vocabulary you need to check that they know: scarecrow – maze – barn – hedge – bend Elicit the words and drill once. Write them under each picture after drilling. Listening: Give learners HO3 (Questions 15-20) and ask them to look carefully at it. Ask: How many letters do we have? Elicit: 9 Ask: How many places are we asked to label? Elicit: 6 ICQs: Are you going to use all 9 letters? No Can you use a letter more than once? No Are you going to write letters or numbers? Letters Play the audio (from 2.18) once. Monitor discretely as they are answering. When finished, let them check in pairs before you play it again. (Be ready to play it more than twice in case students are struggling to answer.) Play it one more time. When finished, they check in pairs. After that, give them AK3 to check their answers. Make sure they have no questions.

Post-Listening (13-14 minutes) • To provide learners with an opportunity to respond to the audio and expand on what they've learnt

Text analysis: Give students HO4 (audio script) and ask them to circle all the phrases that were used to give directions. Give them 4 minutes. They work in pairs. When finished, give them feedback. Now, ask them to underline the guiding words and the distractors. Give them 3 minutes. They work individually then check in pairs. When finished, give them feedback. Speaking: Change pairs. Let students sit face to face. Tell them they have one minute to prepare for the speaking task. They can take notes during that minute. They should speak for at least a minute and a maximum of two minutes. One will be the examiner and the other will be the examinee. The examiner should read the question head for the examinee. When they hear a clap, they switch roles. For the second clap, they change partners! Play music in the background. ICQs: How long will you prepare? 1 min How long should you talk? 1 - 2 mins What will you do when you hear the first clap? Switch roles What will you do when you hear the second clap? Change partners! Give them HO5 (speaking task). and give them 1 minute to prepare. After the minute is over, ask them to start speaking. Monitor discretely and take notes of correct and wrong sentences. Clap your hands for them to switch roles. After 2 minutes, clap it again for them to change partners. Repeat the last step so that they all speak to each other. Give feedback on content. Ask: ‘What interesting ideas have you heard from your partners?’ Listen and show interest. Now, write some correct and incorrect sentences on the board and ask them to determine which is which. They should correct the wrong ones in pairs.

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