sara waqedi sara waqedi

Copy of Strange but true - Simple past & past perfect simple
Pre-Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to the past perfect tense and get to practice how to use the simple past and past perfect tenses. At the first stage, Ss will read the first paragraph of the reading that they had covered at the previous lesson and identify/highlight the target language which the lesson will be focusing on. Then ss will discover the meaning, pronunciation (that will be clarified by the T) and form through handouts which will be given to them. Finally, ss will get to practice the TL in a controlled and semi-controlled practices to focus on the TL accuracy. By the end of this lesson, the ss will have learnt how to use the simple past and past perfect simple to express the idea of two actions which took place in the past, one before the other.


Abc HO#1
Abc HO#1
Abc PPT - Pictures
Abc Matching handout
Abc HO#3
Abc HO#2
Abc HO#1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past simple and past perfect simple tenses in the context of strange incidents

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about an Australian strange incident in the context of strange incidents' news round the world
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a pair/group discussion in the context of past perfect simple


Reading + Highlighting TL (7-10 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information and highlight the target language so that ss are focused on it.

1) T will ask the ss to read again the text they have been through in the previous lesson about Australia and answer the question "What happened when the pool assistants asked the swimmers to get out of the pool?" 2) T will show the ss two pictures of a shark and a swimming pool and ask them "How could the shark get into the swimming pool?" to elicit/introduce the second marker sentence. 3) T will highlight the target language in the two marker sentences.

Clarifying the target language (15-20 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, pronunciation and form of the target language

1) T will give the ss HO#1 with 2 tasks and ask ss to do them in pairs in order to elicit and clarify the meaning of the target language. 2) T will drill the sentences including the target language (backchain). 3) T will hand the students HO#2 in order to elicit and clarify the form of the target language.

Language practice #1 - Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide controlled practice focused on using the language accurately

1) T will give the ss a handout with a matching task to do in pairs. 2) Ss will check their answers with other pairs. 3) T then will nominate ss for FB. Note: T should monitor and pay attention to ss' errors.

Language practice #2 - semi-controlled practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practice focused on using the language accurately

1) T will give the ss HO#3 with a task to do in pairs. Ss need to complete the 5 sentences in the task using their own words. 2) Ss will then check their answers with other pairs. 3) T will nominate ss for FB. Note: T should monitor and pay attention to ss' errors.

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