Sadegh Sadegh

Beginner level


In this session the students will have a brief revision of the previous lesson, after that in the new lesson they will learn how to use The afirmative statement of "There is and There are" in singular and plural function. In addition they will learn the concept and the correct usage of countable, singular and uncountable quantifures (a, an, some and a lot of)


Abc Handout, photos, realia and free gap time in case we have free time.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of "There is and There are" for singular and plural nouns. Quantifiers a, an, some and a lot of in the context of Using ingredients for cooking in a kitchen or other objects around us

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide revision of Count nouns and non- count nouns and clarification of quantifiers in the context by Showing the learners some photos, objects or the written form of them


Warmer/Lead-in Grammer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The students will be exposed to some materials on the desk or some photos and objects around them, then the teacher will bring up the situation for the next target. * here we are not going to use any direct sentences related to target grammer on page 47. CCQs

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

At this moment the teacher will create some sentences and questions to make the context clear and tangible. Teacher will make the students ready to name different things around them. Want them to count the objects if they are countable and ask them to tell us about the existance of them. Want them to use articles 'a and an'

Highlighting (5-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

CCQs. The teacher will attract students' attetion to the target language. Helping the students to understand everything in detal. The teachr shoud encourage the students to use their ability to create and innovate new sentences by the new grammer has been taught to them. At the same time the learners will have several drills upon the structure they have been learned. They should have pair work talking and group work talking as much as they can.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher will write different sentences on the board and use different markers with different colors to highlight the important parts of the new structure. Then the teacher will clarify the form and the meaning of the structure by giving the learners easier sentences and examples which most of the students know the words and the structure. They will have choral and individual repetition by having several substitution drills. Creativity and inovation of the teacher and the students should be considered as an important task in this section.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Having CCQs directlty from the target grammer and what the teacher has been taught in detail. We can ask the students to have pair work and the teacher will walk around them and check their mistakes and their strength.

Semi-Controlled Practice (3-4 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Teacher can ask the students to unpack their bags and talk about all they have or the objects beyond the class, for example the things they have at home or outside of the class. Encourage the students to talk with each other by using the structure they have learned.

Free Practice (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

If the teacher has extra free time, he/she can have this part

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