Shahenda Faycel Shahenda Faycel

Days and Times
elementary level


In this lesson students learn about the clock and time ..They will learn that there are differences among the countries ..they will know the difference between am and pm and how to distinguish between 10 past 4 and 10 to 4


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of language used for making requests and giving advices in the context of days and times

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy in the context of days and times


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Just welcome my students and ask them how they feel today Tell them that I am so excited to see them in my class again and wish them a fun and useful lesson Then simply i ask them : , (Does any one here has a watch ?) I want to know what time is it ? then tell them ( hmmmmm at this time .. if i don't teaching you guys , i would be cooking may be . just throw a joke then ask one of them (what about you ?)... what do you do in that time if you are not here in the course ?) listen to their answers and respond nicely to them . Then write on the board 3 times like 10:00 am . 06:00 pm . 01:00 am Then ask students to take a minute to think what do they usually do at these times every day ? Instruct them (now share that information with your partner and listen carefully to his answer because I am going to ask you about it later then give my feedback , ask each student about his partner's answer so tell me now ..(what does your partner here do in these times everyday ? )

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Doing Exercise no 1 a Add another activity to see if they know about digital watch also For example : match the watches with the write timing In the morning In the afternoon in the evening at night ( then write a variety of times like {03:00 am / 12:00 pm / 04:00 pm / 06:30 am / 11:15 p } that can diagnose also their weak areas

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Teach their weak areas eaning of am and pm and the confusion between 12 am and 12 pm The use of past and to (after the hour we use PAST and before the hour we use TO 03:05 five past three 03:10 ten past three 03:15 quarter past three 03:20 twenty past three 03:25 twenty five past three 03:30 half past three 03:35 twenty five to four 03:40 twenty to four 03:45 quarter to four 03:50 ten to four 03:55 five to four We can also say three ten (3:10) --three thirty five (3.35). etc Remember At At ten o'clock At night At re weekend On On Sunday In In the morning In the afternoon In the evening When we use the word o'clock show the difference between watch and o'clock Teach them the 2 ways to the day time Teach them that we can use ( past and to ) or simply say the time in digital numbers ...for example 3:20 am ., we can say twenty past three or we can say three twenty . i can use teaching stage . drill all that and tell them it's how to tell time

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Let the students work individually then check their answers in pairs Exercise 2 -( of module 3 ...Everyday life.... Real life...Days and times) - Match the times with the watches Exercise 3 -( of module 3 ...Everyday life.... Real life...Days and times) Write the times .Then listen and check .

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Tell the students to work in pairs .Student A:Look at the TV guide on page 140 . Student B : Look at the TV guide on page 142 . -Tell the students to work in pairs . Discuss the questions in exercise 5 -Read language summary c ( telling the time ) on page 152 , -Monitoring -Feedback

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