Aliaa Ahmed Eissa Aliaa Ahmed Eissa

Everyday life
Elementary level


In this lesson, Sts learn some common verbs which are related to everyday life. The lesson starts with the lead-in by discussing our daily routines then watching a funny video and completing some sentences while watching. This is followed by the test stag to diagnose what Sts already know about the target language (TL). Hence, the teacher clarifies aspects of the TL that Sts don’t already know through eliciting, drilling and asking Ccqs. After that, the Sts do another activity to make sure that they really absorb the target language. Then there will be a speaking activity to provide an opportunity for the Sts to use the TL. The lesson ends up with the teacher's feedback on the content and language.


Abc Cards
Abc Laptop
Abc Markers
Abc Photos
Abc HO2
Abc WB
Abc © Cutting edge intermediate book
Abc HO4
Abc Sticky gum
Abc Dice
Abc White board and markers
Abc HO1
Abc Markers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of common verbs in the context of everyday life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a asking and answer each other in the context of the same context


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher welcomes the Sts then ask them about their day saying ( How is your day going?) then starting telling them that (As for me I have a quite busy routine. I always wake up at 7, wear my clothes, eat my breakfast, then go to work, start work........) The teacher asks the Sts (What time do you get up? \Do you have a great routine or it's not great? Do you love your routine? Do you do the same things all the time?). After that, the teacher asks the Sts to watch Mr. bean's daily routine and complete the sentences (HO1) while watching making sure that they will do the task while watching not after watching, Thereafter, the teacher asks them to check their answers in pairs. The teacher provides oral feedback and writes the missing words on the board.

Test 1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

The teacher asks the Sts to do a matching activity to match some sentences with pictures(HO2) and then asks them to check their answers in pairs, finally the teacher gives oral feedback and writes the answer on the board. After that, the teacher divides the Sts into two groups and asks them to stick on the board each verb with some of the collocations that can be used with it ( the teacher prepares the board before starting the class as each verb has its own word map ). The teacher gives each group 2 extra cards for each group and tells the Sts that there will be 2 cards left after matching and checks their understanding of the instructions. The teacher monitors carefully to work on the weak areas later on the stage of teaching. The teacher asks the 2 groups to check their answers. The teachers asks them to go back to their seats and to listen to the listening track to correct any mistake. At last, the teacher gives them the time to correct the mistakes on the board if founded.

Teach (10-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

The teacher uses photos next to each verb phrase on the board making sure that they really understand the meaning by asking some CCQs and focusing on the areas that the Sts do not already know. The teacher elicits the target language and drills on the board the correct pronunciation focusing on stress patterns and linking while drilling.

Test 2 (10-12 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

The teacher asks the Sts to stick the cards of collocations(Ex. 3 Page 26) on the board to complete the word map of each verb. The teacher monitors the improvement of the Sts then provides oral feedback. The teacher divides the Sts into A and B. Both of A and B have different sheets and they will help each other to fill the gaps as A says a number of a picture and B says the full sentence. A listens and writes it on his/her sheet. Both A and B take turns doing so to fill the whole HO. The teacher asserts on speaking together not showing the answers. The teacher monitors and writes down the good use of the TL and also the mistakes and for sure provides help whenever necessary. After finishing, they check their answers together. The teacher gives feedback.

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher asks the Sts to use a checklist as they walk around the room, trying to find a person who has a certain characteristic. When students find “someone who lives in a flat ” or “someone who studies at university” they write that person’s name on their checklist of paper and move on to the next person until finishing the whole checklist. Before starting doing the task, the teacher chests the HO4 asking them to use full and correct sentences and demonstrates the first one for the Ss. While doing the activity the teacher monitors for good uses of language and inaccurate ones.Finally, the teacher's feedback praising any good use of the language and correcting any mistakes.

Freer practice(optional) (6-8 minutes) • To make sure that the Sts really have a great knowledge of the TL

To set up this activity, we will have six cards on the walls of the class written on them numbers and words to use them in saying correct sentences. The Sts take turns; they shake the dice in their hands then roll it, whatever the number came up with the player search for it on the walls and say a sentence from his\her own mind using the guided word next to the number. The teacher provides feedback. The teacher will do the first one as a demonstration.

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