atousa atousa

Judging by appearances
Intermediate level


In this lesson,students learn about the modals of deduction: might,can't, and must through guided discovery on a listening text and some other activities.The lesson starts with my colleague with the context of friends and enemies,this is followed by other activities which serve speaking aims and exercises practices speaking for both fluency and accuracy. It is followed with my plan ,teaching grammar modal verbs with the context of judging by appearances.Not only introducing new grammar but also there are some controlled practice,guided discovery and listening text through sentence reformulation and language practice via a final controlled oral practice focused on using the language accurately. Finally my colleague continues with teaching modals in the past with the context of 'what happened !!'.


Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Models of deduction:might ,can't,must. in the context of judging by appearances

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about judging by appearances in the context of physical appearance


Warmer/Lead-in (2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask Sts if they think it is true that we often judge other people,by their appearance,i.e by the way they look. 'Do you judge people by the way they look?' Sts share their ideas in pairs. (1 min) w/c FB ,elicit some ideas from students.

Exposure (14 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1.Ask Sts to walk around the class and match the given words in ex.1 with their definitions.(definitions are stuck around the wall) (3min) 2.(Project) give the answers. 3.Model the pronunciations of all words,illustrate the stress on the WB. murder / dyed / Scandinavian / criminal /retired . 4.Project the photos on p..60 ex.a and tell Sts to match three sentences with each person in ex. 2 (h/o) individually. (3min) 5.Get Sts to compare with a partner and tell them give reasons. (1min) 6. w/c FB (1min) ask for reason.why? 7.Project the article,Sts read the information and check their guesses then,in pairs,tell each other what they think,e.g:I am surprised,I made a mistake. (5min)

Highlighting (4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1.Ask Sts to do ex.3 in (h/o) individually. (1min) 2.check with a partner. 3.Sts write the answers on the WB. 4.Sts do ex.4 ( h/o) in pairs. (1min) 5.give the answers.

Clarification (6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1.project Sts the structure of modal deduction. (2min) 2.model and drill pronunciation of modal verbs in some sentences. (4min) a.He might be sick. b.She may be tired. c.They could be criminal. d.She must be retired. e.g: She /He might may could + be + (past form of) V can't must

Controlled Practice (7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1.Ask Sts to match the sentences in ex.5 (h/o)individually. (1 min) 2.check with a partner. 3.Sts circle around correct answers in ex.6(h/o) in pairs. (1min) pre-teach the new Vocabularies of listening in this exercise and also practice the language. 3.Sts read the question first. 3. Sts listen to ex.a p.60 in St's B . ( ex.7 in (h/o) )and answer the questions. (1min) 4.check in groups of 4. (3min)

Free Practice (7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Each Sts has one card with one sentence in it. e.g: 1. I have toothache. 2.I have headache. 3.My car broke. 4.I have been working from morning. 5.Today is my birthday. 6.I passed the exam successfully. 7.My best friend has not made up with me. 8.I bought BMW. 9.I spend all holiday on the beach. 10.tomorrow is my wedding party. They start talking with each other ,mingle,say 3 sentences,Sts one tell the sentence and student 2 answer back using the language. a.I bought BMW. b.oh! you must be excited , you can't be poor , you may be make a lot of money.

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