Behzad zamani Behzad zamani


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of general election

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of election lexis in the context of in a raeding text about general election


Warmer/Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • To set lesson context ,engage students and activate their schemta

project some photos of some politicians(presidents) on the board with three questions . put the in groups of three to answer the questions and guess the topic of the session who are they? what is their job? how did they get this job? (by people or by government) Monitor and help when needed.FB conducted as a WC Pair them and handed three question from page 58 ex 1. 4 minutes to discuss the questions ,monitor and help when needed .check their answers with other pairs .

Exposure (9-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

hand a short reading text on GENERAL ELECTION in Britain .Asked to read the text individually and check with their partners to know how many of those new words are new to them.just monitor and help when needed. Give them a matching task to do and match the bold words with their definitions in pairs and check their answers with other pairs . FB. Answers will be projected on the board to check.

Useful Language and some controlled or semi-controlled practice (11-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks and some fluency pratice in th context of reading

clarify a little on on MFP of three words only three words (constituency, turnout, ballet paper, . then ask them to read the text and work in pair to do a speaking task . use 4-3-2 technique here .give them the instruction to stand up, for the first round mingle one person and speak 4 minutes as a summary of the reading(each person 2 min), after 4 mins ,Ok ,change your partner talk for 3 minutes same topic and after 3 minutes ,OK, change partner and speak about the same topic 2minutes each person one minute .monitor and take note for delayed correction .do hot correction when needed.

Productive Task(s) (10-11 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Three same questions on a card will be given to students and put them in two rows standing front of each other. One row stands still and the opposite row moves when i announce. They meet different people and discuss the same questions. when two first students from each row meet each other again, stop the task and ask them to have a seat. when they are doing the task, monitor, takes note and help when needed.

Feedback, Error Correction and reformulation (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback and roformulation on students' production and use of language to improve their profuction

in all stages as they are doing the task monitor and take note for delayed correction and reformulation .each time write the mistakes on the board and ask them to work in pair and group first to find correct if they don't,give them some prompt and help to find it and do the correction and same story at the time of reformulation.

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