Wasseem Sonbol Wasseem Sonbol

TP8, Grammar and functional language.
Elementary level


Functional language (describing people). Grammar (Present Continuous).


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of present continuous tense in the context of describing people's clothes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used to describe people, i.e. 'he's tall/short, he's got dark hair' in the context of describing people in pictures and describing classmates.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks students what he’s wearing. Ss name as many items of clothing as possible. T asks Ss what other items of clothing they see their classmates wearing. Ss work in pairs and make a list of as many items as possible. T elicits answers from the whole class.

Language Focus / Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with a chance to use their previous knowledge in guessing names of different items of clothing.

T shows pictures of items of clothing on the board. T asks Ss to name them in pairs. T elicits answers and writes them on the board or nominates some Ss to write them. T models pronunciation and stress of each item and drills. T focuses on ‘trousers, shoes, boots, jeans, shorts, trainers’ T asks Ss what they notice about them (they are all plural) T asks what the singular form is (in E, they are always plural ‘except for shoes, boots, trainers, but they are often used in the plural’) T asks about the colors of the items briefly and drill pronunciation.

Language Focus (describing people) (6-8 minutes) • To give a chance to practice language used to describe people "he's tall, he's got short hair"

T shows pictures of a pretty woman/handsome man (Clooney and Theron) T elicits adjectives to describe them. T asks Ss what the difference is between the three adjective. T elicits/pre-teach the three words. T focuses on the picture of Becca and the description. T draws stick figure of tall and short women. T asks Ss to describe them. T elicits short/tall/very tall. T shows the pictures of Clooney and Theron again. T asks Ss to describe their hair and elicits the correct form “He’s got …. hair” T shows HO (Headway elementary p. 82), and explains the task in ex.1. T divides the class into pairs. Ss work in pairs and describe the people in the pictures using the adjectives and patterns they've just learned. T elicits some answers to round up the activity.

Language Focus / grammar 1 (6-8 minutes) • To assess students' knowledge of the TL "he's wearing jeans" and prepare for the next activity

T asks Ss what he’s wearing. T asks a strong student to give the answer. T models a simple sentence in the present continuous. T asks another S what he/she is wearing. S answers following the same model. T elicits answers from a couple of more Ss. Ss work in pairs and do the same thing. T elicits answers from more Ss to round up.

Language focus / grammar 2 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the TL "he's wearing ..."

T draws attention to the verbs in the list. T checks understanding by: 1. Miming the first verb “what am I doing?” 2. Asking Ss to mime each of the following verbs. T asks a question about the pictures using one of the verbs and elicits answers. T elicits the question and answer and writes that on the wb. Ss work in pairs or small groups and complete the task in ex.2

Language Focus / grammar 3 (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target language productive 'he's wearing'

T demonstrates ex. 3 by modeling a question and an answer with a strong S (the same question of the lead-in). Ss ask and answer questions “what’s he wearing?” about the pictures in pairs. T elicits some answers and writes them on the board. T elicits structure. T draws a timeline on the board and asks students to say where the point on the timeline when the action is happening. T asks students to work in pairs and make negative sentences and questions. T elicits the question and negative forms and writes examples on the board. T elicit formula for each form from the Ss. T drills pronunciation of abbreviated forms chorally and individually.

Speaking (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with a fluency practice activity of the present continuous.

T mimes an activity and Ss have to guess what the activity is. Ss make sentences using the present continuous “you are eating”. T divides the class into pairs. T gives Ss strips of paper with actions on them. Ss take turns miming the activities and their partners have to guess the action using the present continuous.

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