Eda Aslan Eda Aslan

Eda Aslan/06.05.2014/TP8 - Flatpack world
Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will focus on the text about IKEA. They will comprehend the text with the help of different reading techniques, such as skimming, scanning etc. At the last stage, they'll practice the productice skills of speaking.


Abc Handouts
Abc Video
Abc Paper-cuts

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about the company 'IKEA' in the context of flatpack world

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a discussion in the context of products that they want to buy


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To generate interest and introduce a context for the reading.

- The teacher ask one of the students to come and sit back to the board. - The teacher sticks the letters of IKEA in a mixed way on a whiteboard, then one of the students come to board and put the letters in order. - The teacher asks students to describe IKEA to the student, who is back to the board. - The teacher asks students to watch the advertisement, while thinking about the question " Which products are sold in IKEA? ". - After watching the video, the teacher elicits the students' answers.

Pre-Reading / Pre -teach vocabulary (4-6 minutes) • To reduce barriers to understanding the text

- The teacher gives students Paper-cuts (Exercise A) and asks them to match the words to their definitions in pairs. -The teacher monitors and provides them feedback with whole-class. - The teacher asks some CCQs. -The teacher drills the vocabulary both chorally and individually.

While-Reading / Skimming (6-8 minutes) • To get a global understanding of the text

- The teacher gives students handouts (Exercise B) and asks them to read the article about IKEA and match headings a-d to paragraph 1-4. - The students complete the exercise individually. - The teacher asks the students to check their answers with their partners. - The teacher shows the answer key on smartboard.

While-Reading/ Scanning (8-10 minutes) • For students to find spesific information within the text.

- The teacher asks students to read the article again to find out what does the article say about the numbers and people, which are written in exercise C. - The students scan the text individually to answer the questions, then the teacher asks them to compare the answers with their partners. - The teacher monitors and provides delayed feedback with whole class.

While-Reading / Reading for detail (7-9 minutes) • for students to gain a deeper, more comprehensive, understanding of the text.

- The teacher asks students to read the text again and decide whether the sentences in exercise D are True or False. - The students complete the activity individually. - The teacher asks students to check the answers with their partners. - The teacher asks students to unfold the handout to see the answer key.

Post- Reading / Discussion (7-9 minutes) • to give students a chance to practice the productive skills of speaking

- The teacher asks students to think of a answers of these questions for a minute; * What do you want to buy nowadays? * Why do you want to buy this product? * What are the qualities of this product? - The teacher asks students to stand up and mingle in the classroom and talk about the products that they want to buy. - The teacher elicits their answers.

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