Damla Su Damla Su

Present Simple Typical Friends and Free Time Activities
Elementary level


Abc T’sBk Resource Pack Activity 2B
Abc SsBk p 25 ex 1-3
Abc Google image

Main Aims

  • To give Ss practice in speaking for accuracy & fluency in the context of typical friends and free-time activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give the Ss controlled & semi-controlled practice of simple present yes/no questions. To consolidate & give Ss the opportunity to practice free time vocabulary.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To activate Ss’ existing knowledge of the topic and generate interest in the topic/theme of the lesson.

Show students pictures of two people. Ask students ''who are they''. Elicit answers from students. Write down free time activities on the board. Ask students ''which activities do they do together'' pointing out the pictures of two people. Elicit answers from students.

Exposure (12-15 minutes) • To give the Ss controlled practice of simple present yes/no questions.

Give students questionnaires. Explain to students that they are going to complete a questionnaire and then interview their partner. Pw- Pairwork. Hand out one worksheet to each student. Students complete the ‘Me’ column of the questionnaire with a tick (✔) for yes (they do or have this thing) or a cross (✘) for no (they do not do or have this thing). When they have finished, they interview their partner by asking questions, eg ‘Do you talk about your feelings?’ and complete the Partner 1 column in the same way. When they have finished interviewing their first partner, students find a new partner, and complete the Partner 2 column in the same way. In new pairs, students take turns to ask each other questions about their previous partner, eg A: ‘Does Mario have a dog?/Has Mario got a dog?’ B: ‘No, he doesn’t./No, he hasn’t.’

Feedback (5-5 minutes) • To highlight common mistakes and clarify the language

FB- Write common mistakes on the WB that students make during the activity. Point out to the mistakes. Try to elicit the right answers from students.

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students work in pairs interview their partners about what they do with their friends While the Ss are speaking, listen, but try not to interrupt unless the Ss need help. You could make notes of errors to put on the whiteboard (w/b) for some delayed correction after the activity.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Write down common mistakes on the white board. Point out the mistakes. Try to elicit answers from the students.

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