Emre Can Ciraci Emre Can Ciraci

Reading - From slates to iPads
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will learn about language learning in the past, now, and in the future through some reading activities. The lesson starts with an activity in which the ideas related to the history of language learning will be elicited from the students. This is followed by a practise in which the students will read an article about language learning and answer the questions. Finally, there is another activity in which the students will discuss some questions about both the article and their experiences in language learning.


Abc Cutting Edge Handout
Abc PowerPoint Slide Show (Pre-Teach Vocabulary)
Abc PowerPoint Slide Show (Warm Up)
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about language learning in the context of technology.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of language learning.


Warm Up (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage the students

The teacher will show pictures of three different classrooms. The first one is from the past, the second one is from now, and the last one is from the future. Then, the teacher will ask some questions about the pictures to elicit ideas for differences between these classrooms from the students.

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • To prepare the students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher will elicit and drill the following words and phrases, and show their M, F and P on WB by using images and showing their stress: slate, pupil, strokes of the cane, cassette, replace, disappear. These words will be shown because they may cause problems for the students to read the text.

Pre-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To prepare the students for the content of the text

The teacher will give the handout to the students. The students will discuss the questions on Exercise 1 in pairs. The teacher will not share his opinions about the education system.

Gist Task (6-8 minutes) • To provide the students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

First, the students will read the questions so they will know what they need to look for. Then, the teacher will ask the students to read the article about language learning quickly to find what things are mentioned. When reading, the students will underline the part of the text that mentions each thing. After that, the students will check the answers in pairs. Finally, their answers will be checked altogether with the teacher. The teacher will get the correct answers from the students and write them on WB.

Reading for Detailed Information (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

First, the students will read the questions in Exercise 2 so they will get an idea about what to do. Then, the students will read the article again. This time, the students will read the article in a detailed manner. After that, the students will match the sentence halves in Exercise 3 in pairs. Finally, their answers will be checked altogether with the teacher. The teacher will get the correct answers from the students and write them on WB.

Post-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The teacher will ask several questions about both the article and their experiences in language learning to the students. The teacher will listen to the students carefully and focus on their mistakes for the feedback and DEC stage.

Feedback and Delayed Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

The teacher will correct the students' mistakes. The teacher will not reveal any names. The mistakes will be corrected by using WB. For example, if a student says "People start using audio cassettes 50 years ago." during a stage, the teacher will write two sentences like "People start using audio cassettes 50 years ago." and "People started using audio cassettes 50 years ago." on WB and ask the students to find the correct sentence.

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