Deniz Bulut Deniz Bulut

Vocabulary: Life events
Elementary level


In this lesson learners will be introduced to some new vocabulary, specially some collocations, that are related to important 'life events'. T will talk about her own past to elicit vocabulary about the significant life events and draw a timeline to help students be able to put the events in order in exercise 1. After completing the first exercise, students will have the chance to match the collocations to some pictures they think that best visualizes it. Finally, Ss will perform a speaking exercise telling their partners about significant life events of their own, using vocabulary from the lesson.


Abc Cutting Edge H/O
Abc Pictures
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of To provide clarification, review and practice of collocations in the context of significant life events

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice of relevant collocations in the context of life events


Warmer/Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson is based on developing the learners vocabulary of collocations about life events, so I will begin by talking about my own significant past events. I will draw a timeline to mark some special days on it to elicit some of the necessary collocations and preteach the necesessary vocabulary by using visuals. *T asks students to guess what the timeline is about to get them say "life events" or "important events." if not, she will ask them to discuss this in pairs

Photo Activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Teacher will hand in some slips of paper to each of the students and stick some visuals on the walls of the classroom. T will instruct students to get up, walk around and stick their slip of paper under the picture they believe that represents what the paper says. To avoid confusion, she asks some ICQs like *What do you do with your paper?" T will check the answers when they are done and discuss any of the incorrect ones.

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Teacher will give the students a handout. They will be asked to put the given life events into a logical order. Teacher will make sure that they understand there is more than just one possible answer. Students will work alone to put the events in an order. T will ask ICQs, *Are you making sentences? * Are you doing this alone? Later, they will check their answers with a pair and T will ask one student from each table to come to the board and write their own lists.

Language Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation

T will give them another handout so that they can practice which verb goes with which collocation. They will finish doing the exercise alone and check with each other in pairs or groups. Later, teacher will ask for their answers and write them on the board so that they can work on the pronunciation more.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Modelling an example with one of the students, T will break students into pairs and instruct them to quiz each other on by having one student say the verb of the collocation and having the other say the rest of the collocation. Explain that to begin with, only one student will be quizzing the other. The will then answer students to reverse roles.

Final Stage&Feedback (10 minutes) • To provide final practice and integration vocabulary taught in the lesson

T will break students into pairs and instruct them to tell each other which of the collocations apply to their own lives and practice discussing them -FB: Teacher will go around the room and note down some certain mistakes about the collocations. She will then write them on the board and get the students to correct them.

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