Jeanne Brochard Jeanne Brochard

Listening skill
Intermediate level


Abc picture of sickness
Abc picture of a heart
Abc turkish lira picture
Abc Scrooge McDuck picture
Abc fame picture
Abc Tarkan picture
Abc meryl streep picture
Abc Adile Naşit picture

Main Aims

  • Make the Ss work on their listening skill with an authentic material about a sociological topic

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give them 3 vocabulary words about life goals


Lead-in & Eliciting (7-8 minutes) • Provoke Ss' interest and elicit the important vocabulary

- Show Ss the 1st slide: life goals Ask Ss: what are life goals? Elicit goal if necessary: "My first goal in life is to be happy." CCQs: Do I want to be happy? (Yes) Is it the big project of my life? (Yes) And you, what are your life goals? (Being famous? Being rich? Being married?) [2 min - watch pace] Show Ss 2nd slide with pictures of a heart and a sick woman. Ask Ss what is it? (a heart; a doctor) the woman is she okay? (No, she's sick) I go to... the doctor when I'm... sick to take care of my.... (next slide) health Make them repeat chorally & individually Ask Ss: is it a verb, a noun, an adjective? (a noun) Show Ss 4th slide with pictures of Scrooge McDuck and Turkish lira. Ask Ss what is this? (money) a little or a lot of money? (a lot) what is he doing? (swimming in a pool of money) What is the noun to describe that? (wealth) Next slide: wealth Make them repeat chorally & individually Ask Ss: is it a verb, a noun, an adjective? (a noun) Show Ss 6th slide with pictures of Meryl Streep, Tarkan and Adile Nasit Ask Ss: Who are they? (celebrities, actors, singer..) So they're all... famous. Is it a noun, an adjective? (adjective) what is the noun for this adjective? (fame) Next slide: fame Make them repeat chorally & individually

Prediction and gist task (10-12 minutes) • Show the video entirely once for them to have an overview of the whole listening

- Prediction: Talk in pairs What do you think is a good life? What makes a good life? [2 min - watch your pace] - Listening: Instruction: Read the first exercise. Now, I'm gonna play the video entirely without any pause. It's a bit long and it's normal if you don't understand everything. Don't panic, just try to understand the main idea to answer the question. ICQs: What are you going to do now? (listen the video) Are you supposed to understand everything directly? (No) Should you panic? (No) Checking answer: Ask weaker S, if she/he didn't find, replay the part from 1:45 till he says "Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period." Ask Ss again.

Skimming task - Part 1 (5-7 minutes) • To focus on one part of the listening and ask Ss specific informations

- Instruction: Read the part 1 questions. Now listen carefully and try to answer. Don't worry, we're gonna listen at least 2 times. ICQs: What do we do now? (listen carefully) Are you a bad student if you can't answer directly? (No) How many times are we going to listen to the video? (twice) 1st listening. Ask Ss: do you want to listen another time? 2nd listening. Play again but check on the script to stop right after the answer-sentence and let them write. Ask again. replay if necessary - checking answers by asking Ss

Skimming task - Part 2 (10-12 minutes) • To focus on one part of the listening and ask Ss specific informations

Instruction: Read the part 2 questions. Again, I'm gonna play the video several times, so it's ok if you can't answer everything directly. Listen carefully and write the answers. 1st listening - short pause between paragraphs Monitoring them by checking what they can answer already. 2nd listening. - short pause between paragraphs Ask Ss: what is the first answer? ( Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.) Focus on the listening now to know what are the 3 big lessons of the study. 3rd listening - pause after the answer-sentences. (4th - pause after the answer-sentences) Checking answers with your partner.

Skimming task - Part 3 (6-8 minutes) • To focus on one part of the listening and ask Ss specific informations

Instruction: Read the part 3 questions. Again, listen carefully and answer the questions. 1st listening 2nd listening - pause after answer-sentence Checking answers by asking Ss

Deeper comprehension task (5-7 minutes) • Fully use the video to put the ideas in perspective and develop their reflexion

Read the last question: Why fame and money will not keep you happy and healthy? We're gonna listen again. Focus on the reasons why people are unhappy and answer the question. 1st listening - from 1:45 - pause after answer- sentences Let some time to let them finish writing or elaborate. Checking answers: each S reads his answer out loud

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