Colin Colin

Beginner level


Main Aims

  • Ss will practice fluency and accuracy speaking while talking about their past experiences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will practice gist reading and scan reading in the context of Hollywood actors
  • To provide clarification of and practice with time reference words and the past tense of to be.


1. Intro / Warmer (2-4 minutes) • To set the context of Hollywood actors / cinema for the first part of the lesson

Show the photos of Kiefer Sutherland and George Clooney, elicit their names. "Who is this?" "What does he do?" "What TV show / films was he in?"

2. Reading Exercise - Task 1 (4-7 minutes) • To get students to practice gist reading

Tell students that they will read about two hollywood actors. Write the following on the board and tell students they need to read quickly to find the blanks (While-reading task): "____ was on television first, then in films" "____ was in films first, then on television" ICQ - "Do you need to understand all of the words?" No, just enough to find out if the actor did movies or TV first. ICQ - " Are we reading fast or slow?" Fast. Give students 3 minutes to read the article and answer the questions. Have students check in pairs. Ask students for answers.

3. Reading Exercise - Task 2 (7-10 minutes) • To get students to practice scan reading

Chest HO, and instruct students that they should read the questions about each actor, then read the passage again to find the answers. Tell students they have 5 minutes to do the reading, and then they can check in pairs. Give students the HO. For questions "when was ___ born?" emphasize that ___ was born "IN" (year). Use drilling to emphasize use of "IN" before a year.

4. Post Reading Exercise (2-3 minutes) • to get students to practice fluency speaking about the actors they have read about

Ask students to discuss whether or not they like the actors in pairs. Tell them to explain why or why not. Prompt them if necessary with the questions, "Do you watch 24?" "Is Kiefer Sutherland a good actor or not?" "What movies have you seen with George Clooney?" "Has anyone seen George Clooney on TV in ER?" etc. ICQ - "Are we writing?" No, speaking.

5. Pre-Timeline Activity (1-2 minutes) • To segue from reading into timeline activity using time references about actors

Introduce "last month" by asking, "Why was George Clooney in the news last month? What did he do last month?" Elicit the answer by showing a picture of a wedding ring. Ensure understanding of "last month" CCQ - "What month is it? What was last month?" Introduce "last week" by asking, "Where did I see a picture of Kiefer Sutherland last week in Istanbul? Why did they put his picture in the Metro last week?" Elicit the answer by showing a promo poster for 24.

6. Timeline Activity (2-3 minutes) • To get students to arrange time references in the correct order

Write the word "Now" at the top of the WB, and "1 Year Ago" at the bottom of the WB. Hand out time reference cards and instruct students to stick them to WB in the correct order. Ask the class if they see any errors.

7. Gap Fill (3-4 minutes) • To get students to complete the gap fill using the correct time reference words

(Can be skipped to make more time for Personal Timeline activity) Chest HO. Instruct students to complete the gap fill by themselves using one of the four words at the top, and then check in pairs. ICQ - "Are we speaking?" No, writing. ICQ - "Which words are we using?" The ones on the top of HO (yesterday, last, in, ago) Go over the correct answers as a class.

8. Personal Timeline Demo (3-5 minutes) • To demonstrate the personal timeline activity for students

Write my timeline on the board ("1 year ago" to "now") and elicit some of the events / times. May Day (elicit "last thursday") - I was watching protestors (elicit this - "What did I see?") 3 weeks ago - I was traveling to Istanbul 6 months ago (elicit time by pointing to halfway point) - I was working in an office Last February - I left my job Last July 4th - my high school friends and I were on holiday together.

9. Personal Timeline Activity (10-15 minutes) • To get students to speak about their timeline of past personal events using appropriate time references

Instruct students to create their own personal timeline as I demonstrated. After 4-5 minutes of individual work, students will discuss their timelines in pairs. After discussing, students will switch pairs. Time permitting, ask students to share what they heard from their friends. Monitor for speaking accuracy of the time reference words and "was / were".

10. Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To use delayed error correction to correct any mistakes

Correct any mistakes that were overheard while monitoring the speaking part of the last exercise in order to prevent fossilization of mistakes.

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