Deniz Bulut Deniz Bulut

Listening: Favorite Place to Eat
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will listen to three people talking about their favorite place to eat. First, I will get them distinguish between an expensive and a cheap restaurant by using pictures and I will present them vocabulary that I think might be useful. After that, I will focus their attention to the pictures of the task and ask them to give a little description of what they see. Next, I will ask them to read through the sentences and when they're ready, I'll play the recording. They will check their answers in pairs and listen to the recording again. I will ask for the answers and write them on the WB.


Abc Cutting Edge H/O
Abc Pictures
Abc WB
Abc Cutting Edge H/O

Main Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a recording about three people talking, in the context of their favorite places to eat.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss the opportunity to speak about their favorite places to eat and what they think about those three people's choices.


Warmer/Lead-in (10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T uses some visuals to let the Ss have an idea about the theme of the lesson. *T uses visuals of an expensive and a cheap place to enable them to talk about their preferences of an expensive and a cheap restaurant. -Do you know about this place? Do you think it is an expensive place? T continues with the necessary vocabulary by using pictures and she works on the pronunciation by modelling and drilling afterwards. Once she gets the students repeat the vocabulary, she writes the words on the board and works on the stresses.

Pre-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T continues with the pictures of the listening task about some restaurants. T asks students what they think about the pictures in pairs or groups if possible, and ask for their answers. -What do you see in the pictures? -What kind of food do you think people eat there? T gives the H/O. T then asks students to read the questions of exercise 1 and get them to discuss the answer in pairs or groups. T asks for their ideas and writes them on the WB if necessary.

Gist Task (10-12 minutes) • To focus othe learning on understanding the gist / overall meaning of the text

T asks the students to read the instructions of the 2nd exercise in 1 minute and asks ICQs -Are you going to circle anything before listening? -Are you writing anything? Ss listen to the recording and check their answers with their partners. T plays the recording once to enable them checking their answers again and writes them on the WB.

Scan For detail (10-12 minutes) • To focus the learners on the details in the text

T prepares her own handout based on what the people on the recording said. She lets the students to listen to the recording one more time so that they can find the answers. Ss discuss their answers in pairs and shares the answers with the rest of the class. T writes the answers on the board.

Post Listening (8-10 minutes) • To allow readers to personalise the recordings and to get them use the related vocabulary

T checks if they recognize what has been studied during the lessons by asking: -How many people did we listen to? -Did they talk about what they like to eat or where they go to eat? T then asks their choises of where to eat and what they enjoy eating. T tells the students to work in pairs and elicits the answers from their partners T asks for their favorite places to eat.

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