Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein

Muhamad TP 7
elementary level


In this lesson, learners will have practiced vocabulary items in the context of shopping habits. the lesson starts with discussing the learners' habits in shopping. I give the students two columns of words for matching to check what words they know and which they don’t. Then, I focus on clarifying these vocabulary items clarifying the meaning, form and pronunciation. After the clarification, I set the second test to check the students’ understanding. Finally, the students will have practiced speaking for fluency in the context of discussing shopping habits


Abc "face to face" for elementary learners

Main Aims

  • • By the end of this lesson. The learners will have practised vocabulary in the context of shopping habit and shopping places

Subsidiary Aims

  • • by the end of the lesson the students will have practised speaking for fluency in the context of talking about shopping


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Lead in - I will ask the learners to watch a video and say what the video tells them about women and men while doing the shopping. - I ask the learners to pair and discuss their shopping habits? - I do a demo with them first - do you like shopping or not? Why? - When was the last time you went shopping? What did you buy? - I monitor while they are talking to support help and check that they all are engaged. - I elicit their answer.

Test #1 (3-6 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Test I chest the handout and set the first task “match the words from the A Column to the place where we buy it from. - I give the handouts and do the first one with them. - I monitor to check that everyone works on their own and for support. - I hand them the model answers to check their answer.

Teach (10-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Teach - I use visuals and pictures to clarify the meaning of the difficult words. - I clarify the form focusing on the apostrophe in " butcher's, chemist's and baker's) - I focus on drilling for mispronunciation correction

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Test - I chest the handouts and set the task, “fill the following sentences with the correct words.” - I do a demo, and then the students work individually. - I monitor to check that all the learners are on the task. - I hand the model answers to the learners to check their answer.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to practice the target language in the context of discussing shopping habits

I chest the handouts and give instructions, “Find your question by rolling your dice twice. The 1st roll determines the number on the top. The 2nd roll determines the number on the left.” - I do the demo with them at first. - The students work in pairs. - I monitor for assistance and make sure the learners are engaged. - take notes while monitoring for errors correction

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