Ahmed Tawfik Ahmed Tawfik

TP 7 - New English File 2C family vocabulary
intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will mainly practice vocabulary and speaking. Ss will learn new vocabulary related to family members in the context of an extended family. It is also an opportunity for some SS who already knows some of the similar vocabulary to reinforce theirs. The lesson starts with a quick video from which Ss should elicit the topic of the lesson. T elicits the topic and as much vocabulary related to the topic as he could. T presents the new vocabulary, models, drills and asks CCQs, write and highlight the new vocabulary. After a controlled practice, a freer practice follows. T does a delayed error correction if necessary. T finalizes the session with production activity.


Abc coloured markers
Abc handouts
Abc • New English File Intermediate Student’s book page 12-13
Abc white board
Abc Projector and video clips
Abc PowerPoint Presentation
Abc PowerPoint Presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of family members in the context of extended family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a family members in the context of extended family


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T begins the class with a video showing a movie trailer. T asks Ss what the video is about It is a sensational video from which T can engage students and grab their attention to the topic of the lesson. T elicits the word family. Then, Ss will work in PW and discuss the importance of having a family and their relationships with other members of the family like their grandparents....etc in their lives. T gets ss talk on the theme of the lesson.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

T focuses on the pictures and the question. T elicits answers and reasons from the whole class, but don't tell them if they are right or not yet. T gives them a minute to read the first paragraph. of the article to check. T tells the answer is the picture on the left. T elicits that it is long and thin because families will have only one child and people will live longer so there will be more generations but fewer people.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

SS now focus on the whole article and focus on the highlighted words. when they have finished matching the words with definitions, T asks them to compare with a partner. T provide them with the AK. T checks the meaning of highlighted words with CCQS. T models and drills the pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T puts SS in groups of two or three depending on the number of SS. T goes through the seven predictions again. T makes sure SS know what they mean. T focus on questions 1-3. T explains that SS have to discuss each prediction using these questions. Before SS start, T focuses on the phrases in USEFUL LANGUAGE and drills pronunciation getting SS to underline the stressed syllables and words. T discusses the first prediction with the whole class and discusses if it is true now with younger SS and if the class think it will be true in the future. Now T gives SS sometimes to discuss the other six predictions in pairs or small groups. T monitors and helps where necessary and encourage SS to give reasons for their opinions. T gets feedback from some pairs or groups. T can skip prediction number six as it may refer to an issue which seems to be culturally sensitive for some SS.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T focuses on the instructions goes through the sentences. T elicits the questions SS need to ask starting with: " Are you .........?" T asks Ss to move around the class and ask other students questions and complete the table until they find someone who says yes for each one, in which case they ask for more details. T stops the activity and asks SS to sit down when one student has a name for all the questions when T thinks SS had enough time. T gets feedback.

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