Mohamed Nafea Mohamed Nafea


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced using the present simple with wh questions in the context of likes and dislikes

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading for specific information; asking wh questions in the present simple tense in the context of likes and dislikes


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show the photo in exercise 5 and ask students: What is this? I will elicit answers from them. Then, I will ask them:" What are they doing ?" I will elicit answers from them. After that, I will ask ss to have a quick look at questions in exercise 6 a in order to pave the way for the next stage of the lesson

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Having a quick look at exercise 6 a , ss will have already been exposed to the TL. I will not waste time and go directly to exercise 7 a. I will ask ss to fill in the gaps with either does or doesn't. I will do the first one with them.But before I start I am going to ask an ICQ " Are you going to use a capital letter or a small letter? elicit the answer " capital letter". Then, I will ask them to answer questions 2&3 alone. I will ask an ICQ" Are you going to work alone ? No. I will give them 2 minutes in this exercise. I will let them check in pairs then I will show them the Answer Key on the projector.

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Here, I will elicit the sentence " Does she like animals?". I will repeat it a lone for 3 times. Then, I will ask them to repeat after me. Next, I will write " Does she like animals ?" Does she like animals ? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. I will draw ss attention to "Does" at the beginning and does &doesn't in the short answers. Then, I will write again "Does she like animals?"I will elicit the form from them or help if needed. Does she like animals ? Question word subj pronoun verb noun Finally, I will draw the intonation line showing that it is rising.

Clarification (6-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will Give ss a HO and ask them to fill in the table with questions 3 & 4 from exercise 6a. I will give them 2 minutes to do the task. I will the same steps as stated in the above stage when highlighting the wh questions.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will give ss a Ho. Then, I will ask ss to write Questions with she. I will demo number 2. After that, I will ask ss to do numbers 3,4,5&6 individually. Next, I will ask ss to check answers in pairs. Finally, I will do another way of feedback; I will stick the answers to/on the class walls. I will play CD 1, track 74 and ask ss to listen and practice.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will give ss a HO ; there will be two passages. One about Jo and the other is about Susie . All the ss will be handed Passage B. I will have Passage A. I will do as follows: Pens down.( Are you going to write any thing? No). I will tell the ss that they have passage B and I have passage A. Showing them my passage ( I have information about Jo. Do you have information about Jo?). ( No) so you need to ask me questions to know information about Jo. I will let them ask 2 or 3 questions. After that, SEATS BACK TO BACK". I will give ss A & B passage to work in pairs. I will monitor for feed back and error correction . If found, I will write it on the board and elicit the answers from the ss.

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