Areej Areej

Copy of Social Expressions
Beginners level


In this lesson, students will be able to get familiar with everyday social expressions. The speaking activities that will follow, will be based on the functional language of these expressions. Clarification of the meaning, the form and the pronunciation will follow up. Finally, through dialogues or roleplay they will achieve accuracy and fluency.


Abc numbered pictures
Abc numbered pictures
Abc cut-up pictures/gapped conversations
Abc Hand Out 1
Abc Hand Out 2
Abc picture cards in red colour
Abc picture cards in blue colour
Abc memory game
Abc numbered pictures

Main Aims

  • To practice on speaking skills

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency through speaking practice in dialogues with everyday social expressions
  • To provide practice on functional language through short dialogues


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage the Ss

Stick six photos on the WB. Divide them in groups of 3 or 4 and have each group talk with the partner (s) for two minutes about the 2 pictures. [Each group will talk about two different pictures].

Speaking Task (2-4 minutes) • To practice their speaking skills

Ask each group: "What do you see in your pictures". The group answers: "Two women. One with books". Another group: "One man buys a coffee at a cafeteria". Another group: "Two friends talk". Accept all answers, give positive feedback "Good job, guys!/Excellent" and move on to the next activity.

Introduction of the functional language (3-4 minutes) • To get the Ss familiar with social expressions through controlled-practice

Divide students in groups of 2 or 3 (depending on the number of the Ss/possibly do regrouping). Give them small copies of the photos they talked about and also gapped converastions and have them try matching the pictures with the correct conversation. Instructions: "These are six photos and six pieces of gapped conversations (pointing at the gaps in the dialogues). You have to guess and match the photos with the gapped conversations. You have 3 minutes". Ss: "ok". ICQ: "How many photos do you have?" Ss: "6" ICQ: "How many gapped conversations do you have? Ss: "6" ICQ: "What are you going to do". Ss: "Match the photos with the gapped conversations" ICQ: "How much time do you have?" Ss: "3 minutes" Give them the photos and the gapped conversations. Groups complete the activity. Ask them to stand up and check the other groups' matching to see if their matching is the same with the one of the other groups.

Extension of the activity on functional language (6-8 minutes) • To set the functional language in context and get feedback through listening

Show the HO to them and explain that the photos and the gapped conversations are the same with the ones in the HO. Give the Ss the HO and ask them to check with their group/partner if their matching was correct. Tell them that they have 2 minutes to fill in the gaps. When they finish the exercise, tell them that they are going to listen now to the short dialogues in each picture and that they will have to check their answers. Tell them that they have 2 minutes for that. ICQ: "So, what will you do?" Ss: "Fill in the gaps" ICQ: "How much time do you have?" Ss:"2 minutes" ICQ for listening: "What will you do?" Ss: "Check the answers" ICQ: "How much time do you have?" Ss: "2 minutes" Ss listen to the conversations and check their answers.

Clarification (4-7 minutes) • To let the Ss understand the meaning, pronunciation and intonation

Ask Ss questions in order to clarify the meaning of these social expressions. Do I say "I'm sorry" when I want to stop someone and ask a question? Do I say "I'm sorry" when I do something bad to someone? "Thank you very much". Is it an answer when someone gives me an information/when someone helps me? Do I say "I'm sorry. I don't know" when I don't know the answer? Do I say “............., please” when I want to buy something? Do I say it to my teacher? Do I say it to my friend? Then, focus on the pronunciation and the intonation by making some drills until the Ss feel comfortable with those.

Speaking for Accuracy (2-5 minutes) • Have Ss practice the dialogues

Divide the Ss in pairs. Give each pair a card with one of the photos they saw before. And ask them to perform the dialogues of each picture. If they finish early, have them swap positions or if they aren't many Ss in the classroom, they can perform the dialogues of two pictures. Instructions: "In pairs do the dialogue of the picture that you have, using the expressions that we saw before" You have 1 minute to prepare with your partner and then each pair will come to the board and perform the dialogue in front of te class. ICQ: "So what are you going to do" Ss: "Do the dialogue of the picture that you have" ICQ: "Do you have to use the expressions that we saw before" Ss: "Yes" ICQ: "How much time do you have to prepare?" Ss: "1 minute" Ss prepare the dialogues and each pair comes and performs their dialogue in front of the class. Error correction and feedback will be provided when needed.

Speaking for Fluency (2-7 minutes) • To consollidate and be comfortable with the functional language through roleplay dialogues

Divide Ss into new pairs (probably 4 pairs). Give each pair a card with a new picture in it and ask them to take 2 minutes to prepare a dialogue for their picture. Tell them that they have to use the functional language they learnt today. Let them know that they are going to perform their dialogue in front of the class. ICQ: "What are you going to do?" Ss: "Prepare a dialogue for the picture" ICQ: "After you prepare it, what are you going to do?" Ss: "Do the dialogue in front of the class" ICQ: "How much time do you have" Ss: "2 minutes" Ss prepare the dialogues and perform them in front of the class. Monitor and provide error correction (collect errrors and mention them at the end of their roleplaying)

If-Time Extension (5-10 minutes) • Consolidation with extra activities

1. Memory game with the social expressions that they have learnt. Teacher-made cards will be proviede for this game. Ss are divided into groups in order for the game to become competitive. 2. Have Ss create and write their own dialogue in pairs using the language items they've learnt and then have them practice them in front of the class. 3. Hand Out 2

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