Asking for directions
Elementary level


In this lesson, learners will learn to practice "asking for directions" in the context of "following directions" with guided discovery. The lesson starts with a warm-up activity to engage the students. Then followed by the exposure of the topic, by asking them this question"Do you find it is easy to give/follow directions? The teacher pre-teaches the vocabulary of the functional language by eliciting from the students. After that students will have control and freer activity. At the end of the lesson, they will be able to ask and give directions in real life,


Abc gap-fill and listening hand-out from cutting edge book - elementary students.
Abc set of realia objects
Abc listening track 15.6
Abc hand-out activity from New cutting edge book.
Abc listening track 15.7
Abc pictures of locations
Abc prepositions cards
Abc google map pictures.
Abc an audio script from New cutting edge book

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for asking and giving directions in the context of "following directions"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in some "functional language " in the context of "following directions".


Warmer/Lead-in (0-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson by presenting some real objects like a set of toys houses and some pictures of locations to make students review the prepositions of place. He puts the pictures of locations on the board and makes students match the right prepositions. The teacher then elicits from the students about the topic he will introduce next ?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a discussion.

The teacher puts the students into pairs to discuss the question"Do you find it is easy to give/follow instructions? The teacher gives students 3 minutes to ask and answer the question then have whole class feedback. The students are exposed to the target language by doing peer work. After that, the teacher chooses one or two students and asks them about their opinions.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher highlights the target language by drawing attention to the functional language used to ask/give directions. The teacher sticks a map of the local area on the board and plays the part of a stranger who loses his way. Beside the map the "functional language " which the students will use to give the directions. The teacher asks them "Excuse me, I'm looking for my hotel? Students look at the map and choose the right direction. Teacher models and drills the sentences as needed. He draws their attention to the prepositions and use of articles.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher asks questions to clarify and check their understanding. The teacher tells the students to focus on the four maps below and listen to the track of four people ask for directions. The teacher answers the first example with the whole class, asking them the name of the place and where it is. They mark this with a cross. The teacher plays the record and students answer the rest examples. They check in pairs.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher asks them to listen again and fills in gaps. Then they check their answers in pairs. The teacher circulates to see if they need to replay any sentences. The teacher gives feedback and drills the sentences as needed.

Semi - Controlled practice : (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for freer practice.

The teacher puts students into groups, refers the students to the tapescript on pages 175 and gets students to read the conversations. The teacher monitors and checks their pronunciation and accuracy.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher asks students to work in pair and each student imagines that he is standing in front of his school. Each student takes turns with his partner to ask for and give directions. The teacher demonstrates an example and students roleplay the situations in pairs. The teacher circulates and collects examples of good language use and corrects errors for feedback later.

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