Oyku Naz Bartu Oyku Naz Bartu

Reading Plan 2
Elementary level


Abc Straightforward
Abc Photos of life events
Abc Photos of life events

Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about celebrations in the context of life events
  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about celebrations in the context of life events

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of celebrations in the context of life events
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of life events


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In this stage, I will show them some pictures from the special days like getting married, having a baby, or retiring and say that these are from the special days to celebrate. Students should estimate which day can be.

Pre-Reading (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Students should put the life events in order. I will give them some slips of paper to be posted on the board. They will come to the board with their pairs and stick these slips orderly on the board. They will have two minutes. 1. You are born 2. You get married 3. You graduate 4. You go to school 5. You have a baby 6. You retire 7. You get a job

Initial Reading Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging guessing reading tasks

Students should read the blogs which I will give and match each blog to a life event from previous acitivity.They should read quickly. They will have 3 minutes to do this activity. Then they will check the answers with their pairs. Then, they should match the sentences 1-3 to the blogs. 1. Anyway, we sat and talked for a long time. 2. This year, it was at my best friend’s house. 3. He didn’t know anything about it.

While-Reading 2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

In this stage, I will post some photos related to the blogs on the various walls in the classroom. After students read again throughly, they will walk around the classroom and look the photos and match them with the blogs. They have 3 minutes to read, 3 minutes to find and 1minute to share their answers with the whole class.

Post-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In this stage if there is enough number to work as a pair, students will pick one of the events they experienced and tell their pairs. Then, students will talk about their pairs' celebration memories. If there is no enough number to work as a pair, they will tell whole class. If the number of the students is low, every student should talk in 2 minutes. Otherwise, they should talk in a minute. When they will talk about their pairs' memories, they have a minute to summary. Before they start, I'll show them a picture of my engagament ceremony and talk about it to be an example. If they have, they can also show some pictures from what they will talk about. Students should specifically mention which event they are talking about. When did this happen? How did they celebrate them? Where did they celebrate? Did something interesting happen? Do you have a child?(Marriage) How old are they?(Marriage) Which school did you graduate?(Graduate) What is her/his name? (Having a baby) How many years did you work?(Retirement) Where did you start to work?(Getting a job)

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