Wasseem Sonbol Wasseem Sonbol

TP7_Reading & Functional Language
Elementary level


Third elementary TP. Reading for gist and specific information. Functional Language asking/telling the time


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about naps and sleep in the context of daily routine.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy practice of language used for asking/telling the time in the context of daily routine.


Warmer (5-6 minutes) • To raise interest and set the context of the lesson.

Write times on the board: 8 a.m. 10 a.m. 12 p.m. 4 p.m. 11 p.m. Today is a typical week day, what do you do at 8?10? etc. Tell your partner. Today is a Sunday, what do you do at these times? T models some answers before the activities start.

Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows a picture of a Metronaps' pod. T asks: 'What is this? Which activity do people do using it?' Ss work in pairs to answer. T asks for some answers. Don't say what the answer is yet.

Reading 1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide Ss with a reading for gist task and make the text accessible.

Ss read the text very quickly in 3 minutes and check their answer for ex.1. Ss check their answers in pairs. Pairs join other pairs and explain their answers and why T shows answer: (go to sleep. Reason: At MetroNaps you get into a machine.... and then go to sleep.)

While-Reading 1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging specific information reading task

Ss read the article again and answer the 8 Qs in ex. 3 (in 4-5 minutes) Ss check their answers in small groups. T shows answer key. Check understanding of 'nap' and 'stressed' Nap: Is it to sleep for a short time or a long time? short time. Is it during the day or at night? during the day. Stressed: T shows a picture. What's this person doing? Studying. Does he have a lot of study to do? Yes. Does he feel relaxed? No. Is he worried? Yes Is he tired? Yes.

While-Reading 2 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed, deduction reading task.

Ss work in small groups and put the sentences in ex.4 in order. Ss check with other groups if time permits before T shows answer key.

Post-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and speak for fluency.

Ss work in small groups and answer the Q in ex. 5 If there is still time before the next part of the lesson, Ss regroup and report to new partners.

Functional Language 1 (3-4 minutes) • To elicit phrases used to ask/tell the time.

T asks Ss what time it is and elicits answers. T shows pictures of clocks in ex.1 and asks what time it is in each of them. T tells the time for each picture and Ss repeat.

Functional Language 2 (4-7 minutes) • To listen to and identify phrases used to ask/tell the time in short conversations.

T points to the blank clocks in ex.2 in functional language. Ss listen to the conversations once or twice and draw the hands on the clocks in pairs. Ss come to the board to draw the hands on a big clock.

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To provide controlled practice of functional language (asking/telling the time)

T nominates a S to come to the board facing the board. T nominates another S and shows him/her a dummy clock. S on the board asks S who sees the clock what time it is. S who sees the clock answers. S on the board draws the hand on a clock on the board. T shows the clock to the Ss. Repeat the activity to cover the whole class.

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