Matthew Kasper Matthew Kasper

Make/Do Lesson
B2 level


In this lesson, ss will learn how to differentiate between when to use "make" and when to use "do" in verb-noun collocations. Afterwards, they will practice using them a controlled and a free speaking activity.


Abc Computer
Abc Dry-erase marker(s)
Abc Overhead Projector
Abc Powerpoint
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of differentiating between when to use "make" and when to use "do" in verb-noun collocations in the context of household chores and everyday life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of a chat with a friend.


Stage 1 (Lead In) (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the context of the lesson to the ss.

-Welcome the ss and ask them to spend about 30 seconds thinking of things they do around the house. Give an example: "I clean the dishes." -Elicit answers from the students until there is an example for "do" and "make." Ex: I clean the dishes. -Elicit the other way of saying the phrase (I do the dishes). -Tell the students we will be talking about the words "make" and "do."

Stage 2 (Guided Discovery) (9-15 minutes) • To guide the ss as they discover the difference between when to use "make" and "do."

-Show the ss the handout and tell them they will sort the words/phrases into the columns "make" and "do." -Hand out the handout and monitor while the students work on the handout. -Have the ss peer check. -Display the answers on the projector and have ss check their answers. -Have ss open the page and sort the categories for "make" and "do." Have them use the words/phrases from the exercise above as a help. Do one with the ss: Food, Drink, and Meals (cake/dinner). -Peer check. -Display the answers on the board, have students check. -Go over any wrong answers from both exercises, using the rules to help explain any wrong answers from the first exercise.

Stage 3 (Controlled Practice) (5-8 minutes) • To have ss apply what they have learned to more verb-noun collocations as well as activate their speaking skills in a controlled activity.

-Split ss into groups of 2 or 3. Tell them they will use the rules (still projected on the board) to help them while sorting the words/phrases on the cut ups. Explain they will take turns. When they sort a word/phrase, they will also create a sentence. Ex: The phrases is "a cake." Ss will say, "make/make a cake," and then create a sentence: "I made a cake for my mother's birthday." -After they are finished, hand out the answer key and have them check their answers. -During task, monitor to find mistakes. -Give feedback on any incorrect answers.

Stage 4 (Free Practice) (10-15 minutes) • To have the ss use the make/do verb-noun collocations in a free speaking activity.

-Place ss in pairs. Tell them they are going to play the role of a stay-at-home mom or dad and does all of the cooking, cleaning, etc. They are meeting their friend for coffee and they both want to complain about their housework and talk about what they do every day. They will use the words in exercise 1 and from the cut ups to create sentences using "make" and "do" while they are talking. They can also talk about their wives/husbands or children ex: "My wife doesn't make enough money to buy a dishwasher." -Give the ss 1-2 minutes to brainstorm what they want to talk about. -Then have them begin their discussions. If the lobby isn't crowded, have them sit outside as if they were at a cafe. -Monitor and pick up points for delayed feedback.

Stage 5 (Wrap-up) (3-4 minutes) • To provide a quick review of the lesson's topic and cover any mistakes noticed during the free activity.

-Go over the differences between "make" and "do" by asking the ss for an example of each category (have the categories projected on the board from earlier). -Provide delayed feedback for the freer speaking activity. -End class.

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