LP Tp3 Koloud LP Tp3 Koloud

TP LP5 kholoud
Intermediat level


In this lesson students will practise their speaking and grammatical skills to be able to make a polite request through a spoken dialogue between a group of people in a restaurant.


Abc •Blu Tack
Abc Handouts
Abc • Projector
Abc sentence cards
Abc white board
Abc Cutting Edge Intermediate
Abc pictures

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson ss will have practised how to ask for a permission and how to make a request in a polite way

Subsidiary Aims

  • To identify the intonation of a polite request
  • To identify how to write a request and answer it


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T shows SS two pictures and ask them this question: . what can you see? - T elicits answers from SS. - Then, T gives them two more questions: . who is making requests in each picture? . guess what are they saying? - After that, SS can share the ideas and discuss it. - T takes a feedback.

Listening Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T hands out two pictures to each student and some sentence cards have questions on it. - T gives SS the instruction; listen and stick the questions on the person who is talking. - T plays the recording for SS to listen and complete the task. - T monitors to be sure that SS are on the task. - When SS finish they check their answers in pairs. - T discusses the answers with them and gives an answer key.

Language Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T gives SS two sheets the first is script and the second is a table - T gives SS instructions to categories phrases. - T monitors and take notes to the SS mistakes. - Check their answers together. - T shows sentences stress, weak forms and intonation and pronunciation where appropriate. The difference between polite intonation and impolite intonation. - Drill and Listen. then elicits from SS some requests from the previous task and they can write it on the board. - On the board T clarifies some points: . The difference between permission and request. . The answer of "would you mind …….." is No not yes. . The form of a request; infinitive and ing.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T divides the class into groups. - on strips of papers, T gives SS answers of questions and let them make the question. - T gives them the instructions, then they start - T monitors and give a feedback.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T asks SS to walk around the class and ask each others requests and permissions in a polite way. - T monitors and takes notes to the SS mistakes, and gives them a feedback.

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