Eta Eta

The revision the use of "be" and "do"
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students revise the usage of be or do . First, students focus on the vocabulary of music through listening and a quiz. After revising the grammar there is controlled practice of revision be or do, after that there is a semi-controlled practice where students interview each other with a music questionnaire and finally, the students are involved in freer practice where they make up their own music quiz and test each other.


Abc Music quizz

Main Aims

  • To provide review of use Be or Do in the context of Music. At the end of the lesson, students are able to use be and do in the context of present simple and present continuous, especially in negative and interrogative forms..

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Music genres: Hip hop, rock, classical, Latin,jazz, reggae, blues, heavy metal, R&B in the context of Music quiz


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The stage start by the Pink Floyd's Song "Another brick in the wall" which is followed by elicitation of the music genres. Lead in questions: Do you know this song? Do you know the group? What kind of music is it? Is it rap? Is it hip hop? The answer: rock Next, students listen to hear nine short excerpts of music and are going to guess the genres. explain that R&B stands for Rhythm and Blues Give students in pairs a minute two talk about different kinds of music they like and don't like. Get some feedback from the class. Demo: I like Rock music, what about you (Dimitri or any other student)? Do you like rap? Elicit other kinds of music and write on the board

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students focus on the quiz. Go through it, make sure Sts know how to Pronounce names: Jay_Z (/ˈdʒeɪ ˈziː/; In groups of three answer the questions in the quiz. Let's see which group is good at music. Get some feedback from the class , do they like any of them.

Highlighting (5-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Get students to read five sentences and circle correct options. Compare with a partner and then check answers.

Revision (8-10 minutes) • To revise the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

What kind of music do you listen to? past present or future? Is it right now or generally? which tense is it? How do we form it? do+you+ infinitive Is it negative, positive or question form? How did you get it? (Do) Which sentence is negative form? How did you get it? (don't) How do we form it? She isn't listening to you. is it about every day or now? What do we call the tense something showing that happening now? How did you get it? How do we form it? be+verb+ing Where are Cold play from? why did you chose "are" instead of do? Answer: countries and nationalities

Controlled Practice (15-20 minutes) • To concept check of use of be or do and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students complete the sentences with the correct form by or do. Students work in groups and play the game grass skirt chasing. I nominate one student who tears off the paper, runs back to his/her group, they write the answer and student comes back to me and I check. The first group which tears off all of the questions is the winner. Encourage students to answer. I should demonstrate the activity.

Semi-Controlled Practice Speaking (10-15 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Focus on the Music questionnaire. Give students a few minutues read and complete the gaps. Please, not answer the questions. ICQ Are you going to answer the questions? Are you just going to fill the gaps? Elicit the meaning of lyrics and pronunciation of it. What do we call the text of the song? Now focus on questions 6, and tell Students to write the names of two male musicians, two female, and two bands. Demo: Gia SuramelaShvili, Bob Dylan :D Put students in pairs and get them to interview each other, then speak to another student about their partners. ICQ: If you are going to tell another student about your friend, should you just ask or write down the answers? If time left, students will interview new partners. Monitor and correct mistakes When time is up, focus on the question Did you find someone who has a similar musical taste?

Free Practice (25-30 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In Free Practice, students change the places and work with new ones. Students are using the target language and make up their own music test. Students can use the internet for some research. Demo: What is the real name of Eminem What brand does Nino Chkeidze like?

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