Billy Sevki Hasirci Billy Sevki Hasirci

CELTA Candidates level


In this lesson we will be looking at the two major approaches to writing: product and process. I will also be giving the candidates a chance to look at error correction codes and allowing them to brainstorm the general topic.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson candidates will be better able to understand the differences between product and process writing as well as getting some ideas for writing activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson candidates will be better able to correct written work using error correction codes.


Lead-in (5 minutes) • To raise awareness of different types of writing conducted in daily life.

T uses Skype to write remotely onto the projector. T asks Ss to think for a minute about all the different types of writing they've done over the past week. Then to compare in pairs. W/C F/B.

Thank you letter and mingle. (20 minutes) • To give the Ss a demo of a product writing lesson.

Give the Ss pieces of paper and tell them they're going to give a present to someone else in the class but they can't say who it is. They write the present onto the paper and then put them into a hat. Each Ss takes a present from the hat (not their own). T elicits what we do when we get a present (say thank you). We don't know who gave the present so we're going to write a letter. Give Ss A5 piece of paper. T projects model thank you letter and goes through the elements with the class. Ss write a thank you letter. Ss then mingle to find the person who gave the present by displaying the letter.

Analysis of activity types (10 minutes) • To get Ss to think deeper of the purpose of writing activities.

T projects the table from Thornbury and goes through the 'reproducing model' example as a class. Ss walk around the room and complete the table by reading about each activity on the wall. W/C F/B.

Process writing demo (20 minutes) • To give the Ss a demo of a process writing lesson.

T asks Ss to write about what they've learned on the course so far. This should be a fairly difficult (or uncomfortable) exercise. T plays video of Sponge Bob and elicits why it might be difficult to dive straight into writing. T asks Ss to brainstorm in pairs what they've learned so far on the course. Ss work alone to order their ideas. Ss write a first draft. Switch with pair to improve. Ss write a second draft.

Product vs Process (10 minutes) • To make Ss aware of the difference between the two approaches to writing.

T elicits which activity was product (Thank you letter) and which was process (CELTA summary). T gives Ss cutups of the key features of each approach. They work in 3s to match them with their category. T projects AK.

Correction codes (10 minutes) • To make Ss aware of correction code norms.

T gives H/O #3. Ss work together to answer the questions. W/C F/B

Flexi - Opinions (10 minutes) • To get Ss discussing issues related to writing to consolidate their knowledge.

T gives H/O#4 to Ss. They work in groups of 4. Each has a different opinion about writing issues written on a piece of paper. They read their opinion and discuss in groups.

Flexi - Speaking vs Writing (10 minutes) • To get Ss to consider the differences between speaking and writing.

T gives Ss H/O#5. Ss work in pairs to consider the difference between writing and speaking. They complete the writing sections.

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