Hakan Seçkin Hakan Seçkin

Life events, Simple past tense
A2 - A2+ level


In this lesson, students learn about simple past tense through the discovery method in the context of Ben Silbermann's life. The lesson starts with a brief brainstorming activity about his work. This is followed by a reading task. Finally, there is some controlled practice through sentence formulation activity and free practice via a final role play speaking activity.


Abc Cutting Edge Elementary p.62
Abc Self made handouts.

Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of the simple past tense in the context of life events of Ben Silbermann

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about Ben Silbermann's life in the context of Life events


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1) T shows a powerpoint slide through smartboard in the classroom and have the Ss to discuss 3 questions briefly. - Do you like sharing information about your life on a blog and social networking sites? Why / Why not? - Do you post photos online? If so, how many and what kind of photos? If not, why not? - Do you know anyone who collects things? What do they collect and why?

Exposure (9-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1) T elicits "ordinary". [What do we call the people or things that are normal and not special in any way.] 2) Then "extraordinary". [What about the opposite of ordinary? What do we call the things that are not normal and good?] 3) And drills it and ask CCQ's. [Is today an ordinary day?] [No] [Today, there are 4 teachers in this classroom, is it ordinary?] [No] 4) Elicits their names and key vocabulary from the text (Insect, stamp, leaf). Then drills each item. 5) T shows a photograph of Ben Silbermann and the title of the text on the board. Ss discuss the photos and the title of the article About Ben Silbermann. [What do you think are his interests?] [What extraordinary business did he start?] 6) T tells Ss to look at exercise 2, then Ss read the text about Silbermann quickly and fill in the chart.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1) T tells students to look at the activity 3. Ss look at the four sentences and decide whether they refer to the past or now of the Silbermann.

Clarification (10-11 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1) T draws a timeline on the whiteboard and asks Ss where the events refer to on the timeline. (Past/Now) 2) T asks CCQ's about the marker sentences: [Is the action in the past?] [Yes] [Is he still working for Google?] [No] [Is the action finished?] [Yes] 3) T tells Ss to look at the Grammar section. Ss finds the past form of the given verbs in the text. 4) T expects them to infer the rule for regular verbs. 5) Then, Ss find the past form of irregular verbs in the article and decide which group of verbs are regular and irregular.

Guided Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1) T tells Ss to look at the ex. 4. Ss formulate sentences with given jumbled sentences. 2) Then, Ss compare and check their sentences with their peers.

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T tells the students that they will be working with groups. - T groups the students. (In each group, there must be 5 students max.) - After that, the teacher pins a photograph of Sherlock Holmes to the board. - T sets the scene. T tells them that, Mr. Smith has been killed this morning and the cook the chauffeur, the gardener and the servant are the suspects. - T asks for volunteers to the role of Sherlock in each group. - The teacher distributes the worksheets to the classroom. (Sherlocks get the empty charts and the others distribute the roles among themselves). - After that, Sherlocks start to investigate the suspects.

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