Austin Austin

The biggest, most beautiful coffee superlatives ever!
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about superlatives and how to use them in the context of coffee.


Abc Amazing Food Facts
Abc Audioi file 1.50
Abc Lexis Sheet words
Abc My Youngest Son

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of superlatives in the context of coffee, food and places

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a desription form in the context of food and family
  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about superlatives in the context of amazing food facts


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

By using pictures of my son drinking coffee. I will get to introduce my family a little and personalize the lesson and also introduce the context of coffee. By calling him my youngest son, I will introduce the TL. 1. Project pictures of my son drinking coffee 2. CCQs "Who do you think this is?" my YOUNGEST son "What is he drinking?" coffee

Exposure (THREE COUNTRIES) (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The students will interact with a chart that compares three of the worlds largest coffee producing countries in the world. Questions will be given to the students for them to identify superlatives while comparing the countries. This will help the students understand the MEANING of the target language. 1. Display chart on the OH 2. give instructions and show question sheet/chart HO 3. Give to students for PW 4. FB Early finishers will come to the board and circle the correct information.

Highlighting (AUDIO-GAP FILL) (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

This activity is to help students identify the superlatives in context of complete sentences about "Amazing Food Facts." Students will identify both basic (short) forms of the superlatives as well as the more complex varieties of superlatives (long and exceptions). This will help convey additional MEANING and introduce all three sections of FORM that will be taught. 1. Show and Explain HO (project) "Where will the answers come from?" the audio ICQs 2. Give to students 3. Play audio 4. Peer Check and board answers with early finishers NOTE: Don't let this get too long!!!

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Using the Lexis Picture sheet, the students will use the images to write as many superlatives as they can think of. This portion of the stage will help students begin to produce and practice that TL. It will also help me as the teacher identify the language they are familiar with. Using this language, I will model sentences on the board that help me achieve an explicit presentation of all three FORMS that I am teaching. 1. Give the students a couple examples of superlatives on the board. 2. Show and describe the HO -> ICQs "Are you going to write sentences or words?" Words "How many words?" lots of words 3. Give to students to fill out in Pairs 4. Elicit words onto the board. 5. Using provided lexis, write three sentences on board (one for each form). 6. Show sentence stress -> Drill 7. Show connected language ->Drill

Semi-Controlled Practice (CONVERSATIONS) (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Students will stand up, mingle, and converse in short sentences about each other using a list of superlatives that is provided or any superlative they can come up with. This is an opportunity for the students to practice the TL and for the teacher to monitor and listen for errors that may be correctred. 1. Using a student, Model the activity. 2. Give HO with list of superlatives 3. Have students stand and come to the front of the class and begin 4. MONITOR check for errors.

Delayed Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To Provide students with a time to review errors

This is an opportunity for the teacher to highlight errors that were found during the semi-controlled practice activity. The teacher will provide the errors on the WB and elicit corrections from the students. 1. Write errors on board (even while students are still practicing 2. "Do you see anything wrong?" "How can we fix this?" END

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