Emma Ramsden Emma Ramsden

Slow food
A2/B1 (Pre-Intermediate) level


Abc Matching adjectives (opposites) blank answer key for Ss to fill in themselves
Abc audio (word stress)
Abc Matching adjectives with nouns
Abc Full answer key for matching adjectives

Main Aims

  • The main focus of this lesson is for the students to gain a good understanding of different adjectives 8in the context of food) and how to use them effectively by learning the grammar.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The sub-aims of the lesson are to provide the students with some vocabulary of opposite adjectives and to practice pronunciation


Lead-in/warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* T - splits the WB in 3 columns and draws a stick person in one column and some food in another. * T - elicits 'what are they?' from Ss

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context of the target languge by matching adjectives to the pictures

*T - sticks the adjectives (healthy, unhealthy, complicated, simple, boring, interesting, strange,normal, fresh, stale) with visuals, on to one column of the WB * Ss must guess which adjectives sound better or belong with which noun (person or food?) * T - drills with Ss (choral) * CCQ's - 'why do we use opposites?' 'would we normally use stale with person or food?' * T - elicits opposites from Ss

Highlighting and clarification (5-8 minutes) • Ss can match the opposite adjectives

* T - gives Ss a HO matching task * Ss work in pairs to match the opposites (adjectives) followed by matching adjectives to nouns * T - completes answer key on WB * Ss peer check answers * T - checks Ss understanding of how many different adjectives can be used before the same noun - but not all!

Pronunciation (8-10 minutes) • Ss listen to an audio of TL and then practice syllables and word stress

* Ss listen to and audio * T - writes an example of word stress on the WB * T - elicits the word stress from Ss * Ss - listen to audio again to check for answers

Grammar points (comparatives) (5-8 minutes) • To show Ss how we can use comparatives effectively

* T - displays pre-written grammar points on WB (slower, nicer, easier, bigger) * T - fills in the gaps on the WB whilst eliciting any pre-existing knowledge from Ss

Clarification (5 minutes) • Ss complete a true or false task to check understanding

* T - distributes HO's * Ss - work Solo to complete * T - writes answer key on WB * Ss - peer check answers

Cool down (4-6 minutes) • Ss can stand up and discuss what they have learnt from the lesson

* Ss mingle and talk about what they have learnt * T - monitors * T- Ss - well done farewells

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