Lizzy Vick Lizzy Vick

School Days - Listening
Pre-Intermediate level


Students will practice listening for specific information in the context of memories about school.


Abc Vocabulary ex. 1 +/- T/F
Abc Powerpoint Presentation
Abc Matching Speakings to Subjects
Abc Matching A - B

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss practice in listening for specific information and detail in the context of memories of school.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of memories from school
  • To provide students clarification and practice of using new lexis in the context of school memories


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Project some pictures of me in school. Ask them where am I? (at school) Have them discuss in groups questions on the screen: "Did you like school? Why?" "What was your favorite part of school?"

Pre-Reading/Listening (7-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Project listening activity 1. Read the sentences. Mark positive or negative. For example: I was good at school. (+) In groups, read the sentences. Mark positive or negative. Quickly check answers. Write 1-8 on the board. +/- Check MFP for: fond of CCQs: Is it positive or negative? (positive) Do I like him? (yes) Do I like him a little or very much? (very much) I am fond of my science teacher. Is it an adjective or a noun? (adj.) And what comes after it? (a preposition) Drill. "Like fanta" interested in CCQs: "Is it positive or negative?" (positive) "Do I like science?" (yes) "Do I want to find out more?" (yes) "Do I spend a lot of time thinking about science? (yes) I am interested in science and technology. Is interested a noun or an adjective? (adjective) And what comes after this? A preposition: in. Where is the stress in interested? (first syllable) Drill sentence. keen on CCQs: "Is is positive or negative?" (positive) "Do I like sports and swimming?" (yes) "Do I like sports and swimming very much or a little?" (very much) "Do I want to do it?" (yes) I am keen on sports and swimming. Is keen a noun or adjective? (adjective) And what comes after it? (preposition) Drill sentence. Keen ---> eeeeee

Pre-Listening #2 (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Speaking ex.2 Read the sentences. Mark T/F. For ex. I was good at mathematics. (T) I was good at mathematics. Read the sentences. Mark T/F. In your groups, discuss your answers.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Project on screen: What was your favorite subject in school? Who was your favorite teacher? Did you have problems in school? In groups, answer these questions. Have students ask me the questions to prepare them for listening to a recording with similar language. We are going to listen to a recording of three different speakers. How many speakers? (Three) Match the speakers to the answers. Listen to recording. Have them peer check. Did you get the same answers? Speaker 1 - B Speaker 2 - C Speaker 3 - A

While-Reading/Listening #2 (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Before we listen again, look at this activity. Match A with B. For example: 1. I never missed his lessons. See if you can remember. Match A with B. Work in groups. Listen to the recording. Check your answers. Match A with B. (Decide if they need to listen again) In groups, check your answers. Show answer key on screen.

Post-Reading/Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Have sentences and question on the board. Have them discuss with each other if they had similar experiences in school. Do an example. Regroup the students into pairs using playing cards. Find their matching card. That's their new partner. If there is time, elicit some w/c feedback about interesting things they heard or anything they want to share. If they are having good conversations, let them keep talking.

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