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Internet Part 2- Simple Present Tense
A2 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in Simple Present Tense sentences to prepare students for their next exam.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To clarify and practice vocabulary related to the Internet.


Warmer (9-10 minutes) • To activate students' schemata and clarify vocabulary.

1. Teacher divides students into groups and instructs them to match words to their meanings. Teacher then gives students an envelope with words and their meanings. Whole class feedback is done once students complete the task and teacher elicits the meanings of the words from the students. Meanings of new words- accessible, for example are explained in detail. Oral vocabulary drill is done. Students are given a HO with the words and their meanings for future reference. 2. Back To The Board: Students are divided into teams and a student from each team sits in front of the class with their backs facing the board. Teacher writes a word on the board and students are to give clues to their team members to guess the word. The student who guesses the word first is rewarded with points.

Language Input (7-8 minutes) • To clarify and practice using the Simple Present Tense

Teacher displays a few sentences and asks students to read the sentences. Teacher divides students in teams. Teacher nominates students from each team and asks them to identify the verbs and their tenses from the sentences displayed on the PPT. CCQs : Are these sentences in the past or the present? Present Do they tell you about my habits? Yes So can we use the Simple Present Tense to talk about our habits or what we do everyday? Yes Teacher writes the form of the Simple Present Tense on the WB. ( I + spend +.......) The sentences are drilled orally.

Controlled Speaking Practice (9-10 minutes) • To practice forming questions using the Simple Present Tense.

Teacher divides the students into pairs and instructs students to form questions for the sentences displayed on the PPT. Teacher gives an example by forming a question for the first sentence. Teacher reminds the students to form the questions using Simple Present Tense. Teacher nominates students to share the questions orally with the class. Teacher writes the questions on shared by the students on the WB. Immediate error correction is done. The questions are drilled orally once the task is completed.

Less Controlled Speaking Practice (7-8 minutes) • To practice speaking fluently and accurately using Simple Present Tense in forming questions and answers.

Teacher divides students into groups. Teacher shows a HO to students and instructs them to fill in the columns in the HO. Students are to ask their classmates for information regarding the use of the internet. Teacher encourages students to ask questions to other group members. Teacher models the tasks and asks ICQs. Are you going to ask questions? Yes Are you going to ask reply? Yes Are you going to use the Simple Present Tense? Yes Once the task is completed, teacher encourages students to share their answers. Teacher notes down common errors made by students while she monitors them and during whole class feedback. Teacher writes the incorrect sentences on the WB and asks students to correct the sentences. Some of the sentences are orally drilled.

Lesser Controlled Speaking Practice (9-10 minutes) • To practice speaking fluently and accurately using the target language and check students' understanding of vocabulary related to the Internet.

Teacher divides students into groups and sets instructions. Students are to think of 10 sentences on their use of the Internet. Students are instructed to take down notes or make short points on their sentences. Students are given 3 minutes for this task. Students from groups are nominated and are asked to say as many sentences as they can in 30 seconds. Teacher ensures that almost all students are given an opportunity to speak in front of the class.

Lesser Controlled Speaking Practice (7-8 minutes) • To practice vocabulary and target language

If time permits. Pair Work: Teacher displays two pictures on the PPT and questions students. What do you see in the pictures? What is the difference between them? Which picture do you prefer? Why? Do you think we spend enough time talking to each other face to face or texting each other? Why? Students share their answers with the class.

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